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06/04/2018 SB Minutes

Bethlehem Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
June 4, 2018

Present:  Chairman Moritz, Selectman Boisseau, Selectman Moore, Selectman Glavac.

Chairman Moritz opened the meeting at 6:00 pm.

Chris McGrath said the community advertisement boards in front of the building look good and said Believe in Bethlehem supplied the paint.  He also asked the date that DES will be coming to discuss the river water quality and Chairman Moritz said they don’t have that date yet.
Dann said he left handouts on chairs in response to someone reading from the constitution the week before.  He said if anyone had questions for him he asked that they reach out to him and said he would be courteous and polite.

Angela McShane said she is a teacher at Profile and has been working on getting trails from Profile to the villages of Bethlehem and Franconia.  She said they don’t have access to trails from campus at Profile.  Ms. McShane explained she applied for and received a title IV grant for $142,000.  She said one of the properties that she is proposing the trail go through is on town owned property that is on the auction list for August.  She said she is before the Board asking for the Board’s support, so landowners know the community supports it and also for permission to use that portion of property for the trail.  She explained the trail would be a public trail; ledge packed; at least 8 feet wide and 5 miles long.  She said Bethlehem Recreation and Franconia Select Board both support it.  There was discussion on how Franconia did something similar with a portion of town property and worked with their attorney on it.  It was also discussed the trail would be on the border of the property not in the middle and would be open to the public.  Rita Farrell asked if it would be for walking and running and was told it would be a non-motorized 4 season trail.  Dann said the grant money was taken from people without permission by taxation.  Dave Rodrigues thanked Ms. McShane for her work on this and said he believes it will be beneficial for the community.  Julian Czarny asked where the trailhead would be in Bethlehem and was told Lewis Hill Road.  Mr. Czarny asked about parking at the trailhead and was told that will have to be looked into.  Ms. McShane said there will be a trail kiosk at Lewis Hill Road, Rock’s Estate, Profile, and Franconia.  Selectman Glavac asked if the grant money could be used to pay for the easement and was told yes but also said they would try to obtain a pro-bono attorney to save on costs.  There was discussion about holding a public hearing on June 25th and getting legal advice about an easement and if that could be done before the August 25th auction.
Chairman Moritz moved to support the Profile Trails moving forward.  Selectman Moore seconded.  Carried 4-0.
Selectman Boisseau moved to grant permission for Profile Trails to access town map/lot 204 for surveying purposes.  Selectman Glavac seconded.  Carried 4-0.

The Board reviewed a request for Bretzfelder Park Committee member appointments.  Selectman Moore moved to appoint Sarah Turtle to a two-year term, Shanna Hale to a 3-year term and Nancy Czarny to a 3-year term.  Chairman Moritz seconded.  Carried 4-0.

The Board reviewed a request for Library Trustee appointment.  Selectman Boisseau moved to appoint Barbara Szeidler.  Selectman Moore seconded.  Carried 4-0.

Chairman Moritz said the Board needs to vote on the Bethlehem Trails Assoc. trails proposed on town property.  She said they received an email in support of it.  Chairman Moritz moved to go forward with the trails.  Selectman Moore seconded.  Selectman Glavac said the email from Andrew Zboray does bring up a couple of cautions including the town having a memorandum of understanding with Bethlehem Trails Assoc.  He said the email also cautioned on the landowner also having some liability in some instances and said the trail should be subject to review.  Selectman Glavac said he wants to include a buffer of 15-20 feet on the south side of the school to current rail trail.  Selectman Moore said a memorandum of understanding is a good idea.  Chairman Moritz and Selectman Moore withdrew their motion and second.  Chairman Moritz moved to support Bethlehem Trails Association and within 3 months have a memorandum of understanding that includes a buffer on the property line for other uses and for permission to start.  Selectman Moore seconded.  Carried 3-0 (Selectman Boisseau abstained).

Chairman Moritz said the Board doesn’t have all the info from the assessor yet on the abatements so suggested to the Board dedicating the June 25th meeting to abatements and the public hearing on the Profile Trails.  The Board agreed to that.

Chairman Moritz said Peter Roy had volunteered to repair the notification boxes and thanked him for doing that.  She said Believe in Bethlehem paid for the supplies.

Rita Farrell said it is dangerous coming out of Agassiz Street with the cars parked on the side of the road and asked what the rules are for that kind of parking.  She also asked about restrictions of accepting funds.  She was told the Board would look into those questions for her.

Dann said everyone at the meeting is entitled to hear what is going on and that is not happening.  Chairman Moritz said they would be mindful of that and be better about using their microphones.

At 7:05 Chairman Moritz moved to go into non-public session per RSA 91A:3 II for matters of personnel and legal.  Selectman Moore seconded.  Chairman Moritz did roll call with all members agreeing to go into non-public session.  Dann objected to the non-public session.

Chairman Moritz moved to approve Recreation new-hires, re-hires, and pay increases (PB, KI, ER, MN, IF). Selectman Moore seconded.  Carried 4-0.
Tim Fleury discussed the CIT program with the Select Board and said they would be paid a weekly stipend for the time they work.  He said per the department of labor they are considered interns.

Selectman Moore moved to approve the Country Club new hire (AP).  Selectman Glavac seconded.  Carried 4-0.

The Board discussed a legal issue.

At 7:40 Chairman Moritz moved to adjourn.  Selectman Moore seconded.  Carried 4-0.

Respectfully submitted,
April Hibberd
Administrative Assistant