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Home » 09/26/2019 BCC Minutes

09/26/2019 BCC Minutes



September 26, 2019

6:00 PM


PRESENT: Chair Lindsay Webb, Linda Moore, Nicole McGrath, Cheryl Jensen, Margaret Gale, Vivian Winterhoff

ABSENT: Jeanne Robillard, Alternate Marilyn Johnson

GUESTS: Christopher Jensen, Barry Zitser


The meeting was called to order at 6:02 pm.



Barry Zitser came before the BCC to give a presentation regarding source reduction and recycling in New Hampshire. Mr. Zitser said currently 80% of what is collected as solid waste is either recyclable or compostable. He gave examples of what other states have done to reduce solid waste and would like the BCC to support legislation that would encourage the State of NH to set goals for source reduction and recycling. New Hampshire has a 35% recycle rate, Mr. Zitser would like to see that number closer to 50% with 10% source reduction. He would be happy to draft a letter to the state legislature but would like the support of the BCC.


There was general agreement that increased recycling and source reduction should be encouraged both at the state and individual level. There was question on how Mr. Zitser wanted the BCC to be involved and what exactly it would entail. He said he would start by reaching out to the state representatives. Margaret said that in July a NH General Court Committee was formed to study recycling and solid waste management in NH. It was suggested that Mr. Zitser send his proposal to the committee for review.


There was a brief discussion on the NRRA, Northeast Resource Recovery Association. The NRRA is an organization that offers workshops and resources about composting, recycling, and solid waste management. Bethlehem is currently not a member of the NRRA. Margaret let everyone know that ACT will be hosting an event at the Colonial about plastic with a movie followed by discussion on October 10th.


Lindsay said the House Bill 617 that is studying recycling and solid waste is scheduled to put together a report by November 1st. It was suggested that we wait until the report comes out to see what it says and follow up with a letter of support or suggestions.


There was a discussion on composting both individually and as a community, as a way to significantly reduce solid waste.



The meeting minutes of August 8, 2019 were reviewed. Cheryl motioned to accept with minor changes, Linda seconded, motion carried 6-0.



Margaret gave the treasure’s report: The Town Account has $869.91. The savings account has $17,454.13, that includes the $4,000.00 that was received from the grant.


Cheryl reminded the BCC that as we get closer to year end will be need to make a motion to transfer any remaining balance from the Town Account into the savings and follow up with the office about our percentage of the Land Use Change Tax money.



The NHACC Conference will take place on November 2nd.  Lindsay asked if any of the members would like to attend. Vivian would like to attend the conference. Linda moved that we authorize payment to send Vivian to the NHACC Conference, seconded by Cheryl, motion passed unanimously.



Mr. Smith a 4th grade teacher at BES sent a request to the BCC for a $180 donation for a fieldtrip to Lost River. The fourth graders will be learning about watersheds. Linda moved we support the school and give them $180 to go towards the fieldtrip. Lindsay seconded, motion passed 5-0-1, Margaret abstained. There was discussion on how all requests were supposed to come from the principal. Lindsay will reach out to principal, Sue Greenlaw, to reiterate our policy regarding donation requests. There was discussion on which account the money would be taken from, it was agreed that the money should come out of the town account. It would also be nice if the BCC received some type of feedback from the student about the trip and what they learned.



Linda has been in contact with Gardener. He is ready to start the survey and is just waiting for the ground to freeze. There was discussion on one section of the town forest that was double marked.


Another advertisement bill from Salmon Press was received for the Survey RFP. Lindsay motioned that we pay the $161 to salmon press for our final bill from the savings account, Linda seconded motion carried 6-0.



Lindsay asked for an update on the Trail Map Project. Nicole said she still hasn’t gotten a response from anyone at the Rocks or Forest Society. Margaret got permission from Stan Harrison for the Mount Agassiz Trail as long as we make sure to specify no motorized vehicles. Linda also reached out to US Forest Service and they sent over some maps and said we were welcome to publish their information as it is all public already.



Cheryl received an email about the 2020 surface water quality assessment, she will forward it to everyone in case they have any data they would like to submit or any comments to DES. Lindsay will be submitting some water quality data that she collected with LAC.


Cheryl asked the status on the Baker Brook complaint. Linda said she had not heard back from DES but will follow up and let us know. Cheryl asked if the Town had received a copy of the survey showing the overlay of old and new buildings as requested by Code Officer, Dave Wiley. Nicole said that the Town did receive some maps but there was a miscommunication about what was requested because that was not what was provided. Mr. Wiley was going to contact the developer to clarify but she has not seen any additional plans since that time. She will follow up.



The next few meetings will be October 24th and November 21st at 6:00pm.


Linda moved we adjourn the meeting at 7:15pm, Cheryl seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully Submitted,

Nicole McGrath, Secretary