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11/21/2019 BCC Minutes



November 21, 2019

6:00 PM


PRESENT: Chair Lindsay Webb, Nicole McGrath, Cheryl Jensen, Margaret Gale, Vivian Winterhoff

ABSENT: Linda Moore, Alternate Marilyn Johnson



The meeting was called to order at 6:04 pm.



The meeting minutes of October 24, 2019 were reviewed. It was noted that treasurer’s was missing the r at the end. Margaret should be changed to Cheryl in the last paragraph.  Margaret motioned to accept the minutes of October 24, 2019, Cheryl seconded, motion carried 5-0.



Margaret gave the treasurer’s report:  As of October 31, 2019, the savings account had $16,974.06 The Town Account had $629.91 remaining. There are no pending payments at this time. Cheryl moved to transfer the remaining balance from the town account to the savings account, Nicole seconded, motion carried 5-0. There was a check in the amount of $141.00 made out to the BCC form the Town for the Commissions 5% of the Land Use Change Tax.



Amy Hudnor from DES, met with David Eckman to investigate the possible shoreland violation at the Baker Brook Property on November 12th. Due to the snow cover she was unable to determine if any violations had occurred. She is looking for photos pre 2008 to try and determine if there was any shoreland disturbance.


Barry Conservation Camp sent a request for a donation. Cheryl said that the BCC used to send a student in the past but it involved a great amount of time, effort & coordination. It also only benefited one or two students, unlike sponsoring the field trips which benefits a whole class.


Cheryl drafted a response to Save Forest Lakes request for support. The BCC reviewed the letter. Lindsay motioned to send the letter to Jon Swan, Fred Anderson, and Sarah Doucette.


BUDGET 2020:

The budget will be the same as last year. Lindsay updated the memo that was used to present the budget to the Select Board. There was a brief discussion on the remaining balance in the town account being higher than usual due to the field trip money being returned by BES.



Nicole drafted a Town Report for the 2019 Annual Report. The BCC reviewed the report and made some edits and suggestions. Nicole will update the report and the BCC will review the edits at the January meeting.



On December 3, 2019, DES will have a public hearing on the proposed NCES Stage 6 expansion. Correspondence from DES to NCES showed some water quality concerns and improper cover violations. They also have expressed concern that NCES landfill may be filling more quickly than it should be and may not meet its required life expectancy.


There was discussion on the Select Board agreement with NCES and what that means for the BCC. Cheryl had drafted comments to be submitted and read into the record for the December 3rd hearing. The BCC reviewed the comments and removed two paragraphs. Margaret motioned we submit the letter and read it into the record, Vivian seconded. There was discussion on if the comments should be reviewed by an attorney because of the Select Board agreement. However, after much consideration the BCC decided against it for the following reasons, the BCC is a separate board, we may not have time for an attorney to respond, the comments are factual and say nothing about opposing the landfill expansion. Vote carried 4-0-1, with Cheryl abstaining.  Cheryl will make the changes discussed and submit to DES, Margaret will attend the hearing and attempt to read it into the record.



There is no update at this time.



There is no update at this time.



There will be no December meeting unless something comes up that cannot wait. At the January meeting the BCC will discuss the recycling study committee report.


Vivian spoke briefly about her experience at the NHACC Conference and what she learned. She attended workshops on conservation commission rules, climate change mitigation, GIS and a wetlands mapping tool. She has some notes that she will be send out to the rest of the BCC.


There was a brief discussion on the Trails for people and wildlife report, it is available online at


Cheryl motioned we adjourn the meeting at 7:33 pm, Margaret seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully Submitted,

Nicole McGrath, Secretary