2020 General Election
Town of Bethlehem
2020 Election Notices
for the November 3, 2020 General Election
Hours of voting from 8am-7pm
- Testing of Accuvote Machine
Tuesday, October 27: 3:00 pm at Town Hall
Prior to each election the Town’s ballot scanning and tabulator machine is tested for accuracy with sample ballots. This process is open to the public.
- Preprocessing of Absentee Ballots
Monday, November 2: 1:00 pm at Town Hall
Per COVID-19 legislation the pre-processing of absentee ballots may be held in advance of election day.
This process, open to the public, refers to the examination of returned absentee ballot envelopes to date and includes a public reading of the voters’ names. Absentee ballots received after this time will be processed on election day, November 3.
- Processing of Absentee Ballots
Tuesday, November 3 (election day): 10:00 am at Town Hall
The processing of absentee ballots shall begin on election day at 10:00 am and continue until all envelopes are opened.
This process will be held in the election room and refers to the examination of returned absentee ballots and includes a public reading of the voters’ names.
per Town Moderator,
Mary Lou Krambeer