Bretzfelder Park Series ~ Focus on Forestry ~ Virtual Program
Join the Forest Society’s managing forester, Wendy Weisiger, to learn about sustainable forestry on Forest Society lands at this virtual presentation on Zoom. The nonprofit organization owns almost 60,000 acres around NH that it manages for multiple purposes, including forestry, habitat and recreation. She’ll explain the Forest Society’s land manage philosophy, how we plan and execute responsible timber harvests and how we manage for a diversity of goals. She will answer questions about how landowners can get started in developing a management plan and harvesting on their own woodlots.
Speaker: Wendy Weisiger
Wendy came to work for the Forest Society in 2004 as a forester. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in forestry from the University of New Hampshire. She previously worked as a technician for the NH Division of Forests and Lands and as a survey technician for an engineering firm. She is a New Hampshire Licensed Professional Forester and SIT. She has been active in the Society of American Foresters, Project Learning Tree, NH Timberland Owners Association, NH Prescribed Fire Council, NRCS State Advisory Committee and the Tree Farm Program. When not working, she and her cattle dog can usually be found somewhere in the woods hiking, skiing, kayaking, or making stumps.
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