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Police Department

Bethlehem Police Department

Jeffrey Dube
Chief of Police

Physical Location:
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574

Mailing Address: 
P.O. Box 808
Bethlehem, NH 03574

In Emergency: Dial 911

Business Phone: (603) 869-5811 (non-emergencies ONLY, 24 hours)
Fax: (603) 869-3342

Tip Hotline
Call Anonymously – (603) 869-5811 or Email Us:

Winter Parking Ban – Read
Resident Pistol / Revolver License – Print or Download
Dog Control Law – Read or Print Ordinance
Wild Animal Ordinance – Read or Print Ordinance
Litter Control Ordinance – Read or Print Ordinance


BPD Arrest of Juveniles

BPD Policy List

BPD Volunteers in Policing Service

BPD Vehicle Pursuit & Emergency Vehicle Operation

BPD Transportation & Restraint of Prisoners

BPD Traffic Stops by Marked and Unmarked Cruisers

BPD Traffic Radar Precautions

BPD tire Deflation Device

BPD Social Networking, Internet Posting

BPD Stop, Arrest, and Search of Persons

BPD Sexual Misconduct

BPD Secondary Employment

BPD Search and Seizure Dwellings

BPD Safe Storage of Firearms

BPD Ride Along

BPD Response to Resistance

BPD Recording of Law Enforcement Activity

BPD Property and Evidence Management

BPD Prescription Drugs

BPD Persons with Disabilities

BPD Officer Involved Shootings

BPD Off Duty Actions

BPD Motor Vehicles Stops, Searches, Inventory

BPD Motor Vehicle Privacy Act

BPD Mobile Video Recorder

BPD Missing Persons

BPD Minors Transporting Alcohol

BPD Media Relations

BPD Line of Duty Deaths

BPD Limited English Proficiency

BPD Interviews and Interrogations; Custody and Arraignment of Prisoners

BPD Illegal Firearms Purchases and Attempts

BPD Identification Process

BPD Hiring Practices

BPD Hazardous Materials Incidents

BPD Hate Crimes

BPD Membership in Organizations

BPD General Rules of Conduct

BPD Firearms and Range Policy

BPD Excited Delirium

BPD Ethics

BPD Employee Nepotism and Fraternization

BPD Early Intervention System

BPD Duty to Disclose

BPD Domestic Violence and Stalking

BPD Domestic Misconduct

BPD Discrimination, Illegal Harrassment, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Discrimination

BPD Dealing with Persons of Diminished Capacity

BPD Death Notification

BPD Critical Incident Investigation and Review

BPD Criminal Intelligence Information

BPD Courtroom Appearances

BPD Confidential Informants

BPD Civil Rights Violations

BPD Communicable Diseases

BPD Citizen Complaints and Administrative Investigations

BPD Cellular Telephone

BPD Body Worn Cameras

BPD Body Armor

BPD Biased Based Policing

BPD Audits and Inspections


Town Ordinance 2010-01 Wild Animal Ordinance prohibits the feeding of wild animals as defined in NH RSA 207:1. Make sure you understand what to do.


To help ensure that your calls receive the fastest emergency response possible, addressing standards have been developed to help minimize both response time and errors. This Town of Bethlehem Ordinance 95-1 requires the posting of all commercial, residential, and multifamily structures within the Town and provides penalties for non-compliances.