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01/21/2019 SB Minutes

Bethlehem Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
January 21, 2019

Present: Chairman Moritz, Selectman Moore, Selectman Boisseau, Selectman Glavac, Selectman Ubaldo.

Chairman Moritz opened the meeting at 6:02 and said they would be reviewing the warrant articles and making recommendations on the ones they had to.
Chairman Moritz read warrant article #2 for the proposed and default budget.
Selectman Moore read article #3 for tax prepayments. Selectman Glavac moved to recommend article #3. Selectman Boisseau seconded. Carried 5-0.
Selectman Glavac moved to recommend article #2. Chairman Moritz seconded. Carried 5-0.
Selectman Ubaldo read article #4 Highway Revolving Fund. Selectman Glavac said he doesn’t want his (Brett’s highway budget) current budget to go down because of this. Selectman Boisseau moved to recommend this article. Selectman Glavac seconded. Carried 5-0.
Selectman Glavac read article #5 Dissolve Country Club Special Revenue Fund and explained this is mandated by DRA. The Board discussed adding language to the warrant article “if this article does not pass the country club will not operate”. Selectman Boisseau moved to recommend this article with the added language. Selectman Moore seconded. Carried 5-0.
Selectman Glavac read article #6 Country Club Revolving Fund. The Board discussed how the money from the special revenue fund would be put into the revolving fund if the articles passes. The also discussed having the same language of “if this article does not pass the country club will not operate” in this article also. Selectman Moore moved to recommend this article as amended. Selectman Glavac seconded. Carried 5-0.
Chairman Moritz read article #7 Tally Vote. Chairman Moritz moved to recommend the article. Selectman Boisseau seconded. Carried 5-0.
Chairman Moritz read article #8 Tax Impact. Selectman Boisseau moved to recommend the article. Selectman Ubaldo seconded. Carried 5-0.
The Board discussed article # 9 Police Cruiser Lease and what to do about it. This article is to ratify the lease for the police cruiser which was done incorrectly last year. It was explained capital reserve money was used and the lease has an escape clause and that is not allowed. The Board will get advice from the attorney. Chairman Moritz moved to recommend as written by Mitchell Group. Selectman Moore seconded. Carried 5-0.
Selectman Glavac read article #10 Lease Country Club. Selectman Glavac said he wants 18-hole in the warrant article. Selectman Moore said KW said not to have restrictions in the warrant article but can put restrictions in the lease. Selectman Ubaldo said he agrees it should be kept 18-hole golf course. Chairman Moritz said 18-hole is more restrictive and thinks it should remain an 18-hole but said the lease is where that verbiage should go. Selectman Moore said if it becomes a 9-hole it can still be a Donald Ross course. Selectman Glavac said if it ever gets turned back to the town, he wants it to be 18-hole. Chairman Moritz said there will be a performance bond and the lessee will know what they are doing. She said she doesn’t want to tie their hands and doesn’t want to put too many contingencies on it. Selectman Moore said she personally wants it remain 18-hole but doesn’t want to slam the door shut. Selectman Boisseau wants to leave it open and explore potential opportunities. Chairman Moritz said KW recommended not to include it and they are the experts we hired. Selectman Glavac moved to add “country” before club and take out “golf” and add 18-hole. Selectman Ubaldo seconded. 2-3 motion failed (Chairman Moritz, Selectmen Moore and Boisseau opposed).

Selectman Boisseau moved to keep as is and add country in place of golf. Selectman Moore seconded. Carried 3-2 (Selectman Ubaldo and Glavac opposed).

Selectman Moore moved to recommend the article. Selectman Glavac seconded. Carried 4-1 (Selectman Ubaldo opposed).

Chairman Moritz moved to approve the language on articles 12–20. Selectman Moore seconded. Carried 5-0.

Selectman Glavac moved to recommend articles 12-20. Selectman Boisseau seconded. Carried 5-0.

Selectman Glavac moved to not recommend articles 21-30. Selectman Moore seconded. Chairman Moritz said they do not need to vote to recommend or not and said the Board didn’t do this in years past that didn’t have an appropriation. Selectman Glavac said Board’s have done it both ways. Carried 3-2 (Chairman Moritz and Selectman Boisseau opposed).


Peter Roy read a report from Believe in Bethlehem that he would like inserted in the town report. He was asked to make some changes to some of the language, so it was verifiable. Selectman Glavac moved to include the letter from Believe in Bethlehem with amended changes. Selectman Ubaldo seconded. Carried 5-0. Chris McGrath asked what the cost is for the book and wondered if the cost would go up with the non-profits putting in their write-ups. He was told it can be revisited if it gets out of hand.

The Board reviewed the 911 marker info that Chief Anderson sent them to review as a warrant article. Chairman Moritz said it would start the ball rolling and they could put more money in 2020 if they need more. They said it would be article #11. Chairman Moritz moved to recommend the article. Selectman Moore seconded. Carried 5-0.

Selectman Ubaldo said if they are anticipating running the country club next year, they need to start thinking about getting it prepared. He asked the Board if they were going to have Matt back or not. It was stated that no money could be spent on the country club until after the vote. Chairman Moritz suggested Selectman Glavac talk with Matt about next season.

At 7:30 Chairman Moritz moved to go into non-public session per RSA 91A:3 II for matters of reputation. Selectman Glavac seconded. Chairman Moritz did roll call with all members agreeing to go into non-public session.

The Board discussed a request from a taxpayer but need more information so was tabled.

At 7:50 Selectman Boisseau moved to adjourn. Selectman Moore seconded. Carried 5-0.

Respectfully submitted,
April Hibberd
Administrative Assistant