Planning Board
February 13, 2019
6:00 pm
Present: David Rodrigues Chair., Dave Wiley, Chris McGrath Vice Chair, Johnathan Stevenson, Marie Stevenson and Mary Moritz
Absent: Mike Bruno
Chair David Rodrigues opened the meeting at 6:00 pm and read the Agenda for Gardner Kellogg/Wilma Low subdivision from the January 23, 2019 hearing. The board requested a new map and mylar consisting of the 3-lot subdivision that he will deliver it to the town hall.
Next on the Agenda was a conceptual for a home business for Karen Roy. Ms. Roy was not in attendance currently.
The board proceeded with the continuation for NCES. David Rodrigues explained to NCES that after consulting with 2 attorneys, the final answer regarding the settlement agreement was that the planning board has no jurisdiction to ask about the settlement agreement being in compliance with the loop road. Chris McGrath explained that the attorneys stated it is not the planning boards business to ask about the settlement with the applicant. Only the select board can question the settlement agreement with NCES.
Chris McGrath motion to move pass the legal opinion Marie Stevenson second 6-0 motion passes
Public input
Peter Roy explained that most RSA’s decisions are known to being very cloudy.
Dave Wiley motion to approve the Site Plan review for NCES Loop Road Chris McGrath seconded 5-1 Mary Moritz abstained motion passes
NCES Loop Road Site Plan review approved
Minutes from January 23, 2019: Dave Wiley motion to approve Chris McGrath second 4-2 motion passes Marie Stevenson and Johnathan Stevenson abstained
Eversource/Asplundh would like to do some cutting on scenic roads. They sent a letter to the Planning Board requesting a Public hearing. RSA 231:158 scheduled for March 20, 2019.
• Gilmanton Hill Road/Old Franconia Road
• Lewis Hill Road
• Swazey Lane
The board decided to seek a planning board council. Marie Stevenson would like to start fresh with a new attorney. Chris McGrath does not think the planning board needs an attorney.
Debbie Bayley will check with local attorneys that are involved with land use boards. She will check with other towns planning boards for recommendations.
Candidates night is March 5th, 2019.
NHMA On-Demand Training: This is a fee for service training. NHMA attorneys are available to travel to member municipalities to present training session.
The board is interested in:
• Planning Board Roles and Responsibilities
• Conflicts of Interest and Ethics for Local Officials.
The board would like to invite officials and employees from surrounding NHMA-member municipalities to attend and share the cost.
Chris McGrath motion to contact NHMA for training sessions post elections in April. David Rodrigues second 6-0 motion passes
Karen Roy conceptual will be rescheduled.
Next meeting March 20, 2019.
David Wiley motion to adjourn Marie Stevenson second 6-0 motion passes
Adjourned 7:00pm
Respectfully submitted
Debra Bayley
Planning/Zoning Clerk