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Zoning Board
Tuesday February 14, 2017
6:00 pm
Attendance: Mike Culver, Patrick Doughty, Alan Jackson, Amy Delventhal and Chairman Lon Weston
Mr. Weston opened the meeting at 6:00 pm.
The board went over minutes from October 25, 2016. Pat motioned to approve and Amy seconded. 5-0 motion carries
Amy Delventhal read the public notice for Presidential Mountain Resort application for a height Variance to be able to build to 75 feet. Mr. Jackson read the checklist. David Eckman noted several times that he was only before the board for the height Variance. Some of the questions on the checklist seemed more for the Site Plan application.
Mr. Jackson makes a motion to accept the checklist as complete. Pat seconded 5-0 motion carries.
Mr. Weston asked David Eckman to explain the height Variance request. Mr. Eckman explained that they tried to keep the structure to 60 feet. The building itself is 65 feet. There is a 10 foot covered stairway to the roof that accesses utilities. Amy Delventhal would like to know what the building is going to look like. Mr. Eckman assured her that it will be a very nice high end structure from the Hilton. Mr. Eckman explained that is a height Variance that they are asking for from the Zoning Board at this time. The building design will be presented to the Planning Board at Site Plan.
Mr. Eckman explained that going to 80 units is the best fit according to the Hilton PKF study.
Public comment
Peter Roy from South Road spoke up to say that he believes that this is great for the town. Linda Moore said that she believes that this is an amazing project. It is just a win win situation for the town. Others from the public agreed that this project is a wonderful addition to area, and welcome the project.
Closed public input at 7:00 pm
Mike Culver read Criteria #1
The proposed use would not diminish surrounding property values
Alan Jackson motion to pass criteria 1, Amy Delventhal seconds 5-0 motion carries
Mike Culver read Criteria #2
Granting the variance would not be contrary to the public interest
Patrick Doughty motion to accept C2 Alan Jackson seconds 5-0 motion carries
Mike Culver read Criteria #3
Denial of the variance would result in unnecessary hardship to the owner because of the following special circumstances of the property that distinguish it from other properties similarly zoned. 80 rooms are the magic number said Mr. Jackson, the study has been done.
Mike Culver read 3a
The zoning restriction as applied to the applicant’s property interferes with the applicants’ reasonable use of the property, considering the unique setting of the property in its environment
Mike Culver motion to accept C3a Patrick Doughty seconds 5-0 motion passes
Mike Culver read Criteria #3b
No fair and substantial relationship exists between the general purposes of the zoning ordinance and the specific restrictions on the property
Patrick Doughty motion to pass 3b, Amy seconds 5-0 motions carries
Mike Culver read Criteria # 3c
The variance would not injure the public or private rights of others
Amy Delventhal motion to pass 3c Mike Culver seconds 5-0 motion carries
Mike Culver read Criteria # C4
Granting the variance would do substantial justice
Amy Delventhal motion to accept C4 Mike Culver seconds 5-0 motion carries
Mike Culver read Criteria# C5
The use is not contrary to the spirit of the ordinance
Amy Delventhal motion to accept C5 Alan Jackson seconds 5-0 motion carries
Patrick Doughty made a motion to accept the Criteria for the Variance request
Alan Jackson seconds 5-0 motion carries
Variance is granted for the Presidential Mountain Resort going to 75 feet
Mike Culver would like to announce that Lon Weston is not seeking another term with the Zoning Board. Mike would like to thank Lon Weston for his 18 years of serving the town of Bethlehem.
Motion to adjourn by Alan Jackson, Amy Delventhal seconds 5-0 motion carries.
Adjourned 7:15
Respectfully submitted
Debra Bayley
P/Z Clerk
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