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04/01/2019 SB Minutes

Bethlehem Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
April 1, 2019

Present: Chairman Boisseau, Selectman Moore, Selectman Moritz, Selectman Caplain, Selectman Jensen.

Selectman Moritz opened the meeting at 6:00 pm.  Selectman Moritz moved to appoint Selectman Boisseau as Chairman.  Selectman Moore seconded.  Carried 4-0.   (Selectman Boisseau abstained).

Selectman Moritz moved to appoint Selectman Jensen as Vice-Chair.  Selectman Caplain seconded.  After discussion Selectmen Moritz and Moore withdrew their motion and second.  Selectman Moritz moved to appoint Selectman Moore as Vice-Chair.  Chairman Boisseau seconded.  Carried 4-0 (Selectman Moore abstained).

David Van Houten and Dan Crosby came before the Board to discuss an energy commission formation.  Mr. Van Houten said it is an advisory board that can’t make decisions.  He went over costs of electricity and fuel for the municipal buildings and vehicles ($140,000).  Mr. Crosby said the Select Board is busy enough so the commission can look at options and gather information to give to the Select Board.  Mr. Van Houten said the energy commission needs at least 3 volunteers to form a commission and he would like to start with himself, Dan Crosby and Mark Koprowski.  Selectman Caplain asked if there is any cost and was told no.  Chairman Boisseau asked if it will be to advise the Select Board on how to save money and was told yes.  Chairman Boisseau also asked how it is decided who will be on it.  There was discussion about posting to look for members and the agenda and minutes.  Selectman Moritz said the commission is guided by the RSA and it straight forward.  Selectman Jensen asked about having a public hearing about it.  Selectman Moritz said she didn’t think a public hearing was needed because it would be posted in 3 places and there would be a Select Board liaison.  Selectman Moritz moved to go forward with the energy commission per RSA 38 D.  Selectman Caplain seconded.  Carried 5-0.
There was discussion about staggering the terms and when they would report to the Board (at least yearly).  It was also discussed that it makes sense to have Selectman Caplain be the liaison because he is the liaison to General Governmental Buildings.  Selectman Moore moved to appoint David Van Houten for a 1-year term, Dan Crosby for a 2-year term and Mark Koprowski for a 3-year term.  Selectman Moritz seconded.  Carried 5-0.
Cheryl Jensen asked if the RSA states time limit for term and was told it is 1, 2 or 3 years.

Selectman Jensen said he is interested in starting a newsletter for the town as a way to communicate with the townspeople.  He said he would be happy to do the writing with the rest of the Board fact checking.  He suggested doing the newsletter as a mailer to make sure it gets to everyone.  Selectmen Moore and Caplain do not agree with a mailer.  There was discussion about a newsletter option through the town website called MailChimp.  Angel Larcom explained that it is free up to a certain amount of emails addresses.  Selectman Jensen said they need to let people know, and some people do not do email or Facebook.  Selectman Moritz said they could possibly do both with a quarterly or 6-month mailer.  Selectman Jensen suggested sending a mailer letting people know where they can find the info.  Selectman Moritz said liaisons can report on their department.  Selectman Boisseau asked Ms. Larcom if we are able to see who can access the newsletter and she said yes.  Dann suggested instead of sending a mailer that will cost the taxpayers money to post it in 3 places where we post other notices.  Peter Roy said if people want to know information about the town they will be here.  Selectman Moritz said they could try posting it and see how many people access it.  Chairman Boisseau said we can see how many people are interacting with it and try posting it and sending emails.  He said if we are dissatisfied with how many are interacting with it, they can reconsider a mailer.  Selectman Jensen said he is okay with trying first but does see the value of making sure everyone has the info.

The Board reviewed the Select Board Guidelines & Procedures.  It was discussed that this is to give current and new members what the roles of the Board are.  Selectman Moore moved to adopt the guidelines and procedures for the Select Board.  Selectman Moritz seconded.  Carried 5-0.

Selectman Moritz said part of the role of the Select Board is to come up with job descriptions for employees.  She volunteered to take on that role and Selectman Caplain said he would help.

Selectman Moritz said the country club listing is active and the Realtor said he has received an inquiry already.  She said he is also reaching out to golf professionals.

The Board reviewed the minutes.
Selectman Moritz moved to approve the minutes from 03/04/19.  Selectman Moore seconded.  Carried 3-0 (Selectmen Jensen and Caplain abstained).
Selectman Moritz moved to approve the minutes from 03/18/19.  Selectman Moore seconded.  Carried 4-0 (Chairman Boisseau abstained).

The Board discussed a bear info packet to send to residents.  Chairman Boisseau said Kevin Roy has offered to send out and pay for the mailer.  The packet will include a letter from the Board, wild animal ordinance, Fish & Game brochure and how to take care of waste info.  Peter Roy asked if there has been any enforcement of the bear ordinance.  Chairman Boisseau said he doesn’t know and that it is a question for Chief Ho-Sing-Loy.  The Board agreed to the mailer.  Selectman Caplain said this stuff can be included in the newsletter.

Chairman Boisseau read a card that was received that was thanking the highway department for taking good care of their road.

The Board discussed the meeting schedule for the rest of the year.  Chairman Boisseau said they may have to add some if things come up in between.

April 15th
April  29th
May 13th
May  20th
June  10th
June  24th
July  8th
July  22nd
August 5th
August 19th
September 9th
September 23rd
October 7th
October 21st
November 4th
November  18th
December 2nd
December 9th
December  16th
Mrs. Jensen said the annual roadside cleanup will be May 4th beginning at 9:30 at the Gazebo and ending at Bretzfelder for ice-cream and donuts.  She said the elementary school will be doing theirs on May 3rd.

Rita Farrell said Andrew Cushing from the preservation society would like to come at some point to talk about the country club.  She said they like to promote certain structures and the country club was one of them.

At 6:56 Chairman Boisseau moved to go into non-public session per RSA 91A:3 II for matters of personnel.  Selectman Moore seconded.  Dann objected to the non-public session.  Chairman Boisseau did roll call with all members agreeing to go into non-public session.

The Board reviewed increases for the rec employees.  Selectman Caplain moved to approve the recreation pay increases (PC, KI, PB, MR, ER, LJ, GS, JD, EL, MTS, TM).  Selectman Moritz seconded.  Carried 5-0.

The Board reviewed pay increases for the fire dept. based on the new pay scale.  Selectman Moritz moved to approve the fire department pay increases (MB, WB, BC, MC, JD, PD, AE, NE, EF, MG, RG, SJ, CJ, GJ, CK, JK, RL, AL, LL, WL, TM, CM, JM, KP, MR, JS, SS, LS, JS, MT, KT, SW, DW, JS).  Selectman Jensen seconded.  Carried 5-0.
The Board reviewed and discussed pay raises and a new hire for the country club.  Selectman Moritz moved to rehire NC and DA at last years pay rate until increase can be justified.  Selectman Moore seconded.  Carried 5-0.
Selectman Moore moved to hire JW.  Selectman Jensen seconded.  Carried 5-0.

At 7:43 Selectman Moritz moved to come out of non-public session.  Selectman Caplain seconded.  Chairman Boisseau did roll call with all members agreeing to come out of non-public session.

AT 7:43 Selectman Moore moved to adjourn.  Selectman Caplain seconded.  Carried 5-0.

Respectfully submitted,
April Hibberd
Administrative Assistant