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05/07/2018 SB Minutes

Bethlehem Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
May 7, 2018

Present:  Chairman Moritz, Selectman Boisseau, Selectman Moore, Selectman Ubaldo, Selectman Glavac.

Chairman Moritz opened the meeting at 6:00 pm.

Carol Boucher from the Bethlehem Revolving Loan Fund Committee came before the Board to discuss an application from Fred Storella for a façade grant.  She explained he will be doing $6,700.00 worth of work to his building and will get reimbursed for $3,000.00 if approved.  Selectman Glavac asked if there have been any other requests for façade grants and was told no.  He said he thinks it is great money is being put to use.  Mrs. Boucher said the fund started in 1986 with $250,000 and was for community development.  Chairman Moritz said it is a matching grant for a Main Street business for façade improvements.  Selectman Glavac said they can only be reimbursed 50% up to $3000.00.  Mrs. Boucher said they provide loans as well but NCIC approves them.  Chairman Moritz moved to approve Fred Storella’s façade grant request.  Selectman Moore seconded.  Carried 5-0.

Chairman Moritz said warrant article # 10 (To see if the Town will direct the Select Board to explore options for the sale or long-term lease of the town owned Bethlehem Country Club property.  If this article is approved the Select Board will hold no less than 2 public meetings to seek further public input.  Any final decision will be made at a future town meeting) on looking into selling or leasing the Golf Course has different interpretations; final agreement in place before for town voting or lease or sale option with a minimum amount on asking price for the town voting.  Peter Roy said it is the Board’s option to lease or sell and Board should make the decision and to decide what is best for the contract.  Selectman Boisseau said they will have 2 public meetings for public input so the Board looks at 2 options and bring to public hearings.  Selectman Glavac said the Board has had 2 public meetings and the final vote should be a contract.  Selectman Moore said it could limit the process.  Selectman Glavac said they knew before it would limit them, and the Board voted to have the second vote.  Chairman Moritz said hiring a realtor and not focus on appraiser would not eliminate a realtor fee.  Dann said interpretation is ambiguous so want to get something concrete which prevents litigation.  Chairman Moritz said if they bring a final contract to the vote it covers both interpretations.  She said there would be a deliberative and the vote and the Board is not making a decision.  Chris Jensen said he expects a fully laid out contract with pros and cons to vote on.  Selectman Ubaldo said he wants clarification on their path right now.  He asked if they are explaining what happens if they sell or if they lease.  He said they should go forward to determine the benefit to the town.  Selectman Ubaldo said they don’t even know what the tax benefit would be.  Julian Czarny said the vote in March authorized to Board to sell or lease with it remaining a golf course.  He said if they took a buyer’s offer to the voters there could be discriminatory concerns and could hold the town liable.  He said the voters gave the Board the power to sell or lease it and is concerned about putting a particular offer before the voters.  Chairman Moritz said it is a big decision and the voters should have a say.  Selectman Boisseau said they put this article on to see if they should look into options of selling or leasing.  He said they should explore options further then go back to town to discuss options. He thinks the final decision should be based on appraised amount with a suggested sale price.  Selectman Glavac said the Board had authority to sell it before the warrant article but they thought the final decision should be up to the voters.  Chairman Moritz said they can find out the information and get feedback at deliberative and then vote.  She said if people question it it will come up during meetings and they can proceed based on that.  Mr. Jensen said the town was telling the Board yes to look into it, not finalize it.  Mr. Roy said 755 people voted to go forward with this, so the town wants something to be done.  He asked where the golfers were and said it was on the agenda.  Mrs. Farrell said there are different interpretations of what people were voting on.  She said people want to sell because of cost to repair the building and to lower taxes and based on what we have learned the decision is to sell, lease, or put money into it.   Mrs. Farrell said they should include the costs of the repairs needed.  Mr. Roy said the golf course pays for itself, but the building needs to be repaired.  Chairman Moritz said a municipality is not the best to run a business and said Matt (Courchaine) does an incredible job but it is difficult to run it because of it being municipal owned.  Selectman Ubaldo said to look at it like a department like rec and said it broke even and made $2,000.00.  Dann said the “town” is a fabrication because it was a majority vote.  He asked about minority rights and said not everyone in town voted.  He said the minority voice is not heard.  Selectman Moore moved to go forward with getting more detailed info and have public meeting to share info and get feedback and then vote of final proposal.  Selectman Glavac seconded.  Selectman Glavac asked if proposal gets voted down does the town not agree to sale.  There was discussion about going forward with appraiser or not.  Chairman Moritz said if they present final contract it will determine how they gather info.  Selectman Boisseau said they should decide to either appraise or use a realtor, disclose info after that on what investment will be made on gathering information.  He said then at a future date once potential value is known have a meeting and gather public input.  Selectman Boisseau said after that take that info and make final decision.  Selectmen Moore and Glavac withdrew their motion and second.
The Board reviewed the appraisal quotes.  Golf Property Analyst – $12,000 plus travel costs and Appraisal Co. of New England $8450 are the two quotes.  Selectman Glavac said they don’t have the money in the budget and asked how they will pay for that and said they should leave appraisal up to the realtor.  The Board reviewed the one realtor quote they received from Hilda Allen which included $9,000 in upfront advertising and travel fees.  Selectman Glavac said they should put in budget next year and put on warrant again for next year.  Chairman Moritz said they (and Selectman Moore) spoke with a Florida company who was willing to do an initial analysis for free.  She said they will look at the numbers, etc.  Selectman Moore said that would give them a general overview.  Chairman Moritz moved to reopen RFP for realtor by sealed bid and using the same RFP.  Selectman Moore seconded.  Carried 5-0.

Selectman Moore said she fully supports the Bethlehem Trails Association’s presentation they did.  Brett Jackson said he hates to see a big chunk of land tied up.  Selectman Moore said nobody has come forward to use it.  Selectman Boisseau said they are not looking to close off land for future use.

The Board reviewed a sign permit for Janice and John Robie.  Chairman Moritz moved to approve the sign permit.  Selectman Ubaldo seconded.  Carried 5-0.

Chairman Moritz read a letter from the Grafton County Sherriff’s office about their appreciation for Officer Sarah Donahue.

Chairman Moritz read a letter from Jane Storella, Clare Brown, and Sandy Laleme donating $2,087.75 to the Bethlehem Country Club to be used for improvements and upgrades to the kitchen facilities.  Selectman Ubaldo moved to accept the donation.  Selectman Glavac seconded.  Carried 5-0.

At 7:40 Chairman Moritz moved to go into non-public session per RSA 91A:3 II for matters of legal, personnel, and reputation.  Selectman Boisseau seconded.  Chairman Moritz did roll call with all members agreeing to go into non-public session.

The Board met with a taxpayer about the deeding process.

The Board discussed personnel.  Chairman Moritz moved to hire SH as groundskeeper.  Selectman Moore seconded.  Carried 5-0.
Chairman Moritz moved to hire LF, LB, RG, HL, GG for the Country Club.  Selectman Moore seconded.  Carried 5-0.

The Board discussed legal issues.  At 8:35 Chairman Moritz moved to come out of non-public session.  Selectman Boisseau seconded.  Chairman Moritz did roll call with all members agreeing to come out of non-public session.

Chairman Moritz moved to seal a portion of the non-public minutes because it is determined that divulgence of this information likely would affect adversely the reputation of any person other than a member of this board.   Selectman Moore seconded.  Chairman Moritz did roll call with all members agreeing to seal the portion of the minutes.

At 8:40 Selectman Ubaldo moved to adjourn.  Chairman Moritz seconded.  Carried 5-0.
Respectfully submitted,
April Hibberd
Administrative Assistant