Bethlehem Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
May 13, 2019
Present: Chairman Boisseau, Selectman Moore, Selectman Jensen, Selectman Caplain.
Chairman Boisseau opened the meeting at 6:02 pm.
Victor Hoffman came before the Board. He said he has lived in Bethlehem for 34 years and has concerns about properties. He told the Board of his concerns on the appearance of the burned out building next to the elementary school, the Baker Brook property and others. Chairman Boisseau said the Board has been looking into the burned building and the owner is saying he doesn’t have a clear title. Selectman Moore said we are working with the owner’s attorney to provide documents. Selectman Moore also said she believes the Baker Brook hotel project is waiting on Northern Pass. Mr. Hoffman said the pool on the Baker Brook property is a breeding ground. Selectman Jensen said Dave Wiley (health officer) should look at the pool. Chairman Boisseau said he would reach out to him. Cheryl Jensen said 2 years ago she asked about the swimming pool and said West Nile Virus is in NH.
The Board reviewed a spreadsheet of the list of abatements.
Selectman Caplain moved to approve the denial recommendations. Selectman Jensen seconded.
Carried 4-0.
Selectman Moore moved to approve the approval recommendations. Selectman Jensen seconded. Selectman Caplain asked who looks at the sales data and was told the assessor. Carried 4-0.
Rita Farrell asked why the name isn’t public and was told it is if she goes to the office, she can get that information.
The Board reviewed the minutes from 04/29/19. Selectman Moore moved to approve the minutes subject to a grammar correction (page 2 change “could” to “come”) that does not change the content of the minutes. Selectman Caplain seconded. Carried 3-0 (Selectman Jensen abstained).
Chairman Boisseau said Bethlehem Reimagined is looking to seek a grant to get funding for the garden on top of long hill and others on Main Street. The Board discussed whether they need permission to apply for a grant because they have non-profit status or because the gardens are on town property. Selectman Jensen said he wants to know how much they are seeking and from who. Selectman Moore said she doesn’t think the Board needs that info. Dann said the grant is our business because grants are taken from taxes and he doesn’t want to spend his money on that. Chairman Boisseau will contact Paul Greenlaw for more specifics. Selectman Moore moved to give Chairman Boisseau authority based on info provided by Mr. Greenlaw of Bethlehem Reimagined. Selectman Caplain seconded. Carried 4-0.
Selectman Moore said she went to the cable consortium meeting with Selectman Moritz. She said it cost 800.00 a year (was later corrected to 6 towns share 800.00 expense) to be part of the consortium with 5 other towns. She said there were only 3 of them at the meeting and decisions can’t be made because no one goes. She asked what we get from being a part of it. Harry Newell said we (North Country?) are allowed 2 public access channels for education, communities etc. and he said he thinks Granite State TV will be successful soon. He suggested the Board talk with Chad Fillion before they decide to opt out. Selectman Jensen said he can look into it more. Mr. Newell offered to be the liaison for the town of Bethlehem and go to the meetings. Selectman Caplain moved to have Harry Newell be the town representative for the cable consortium. Chairman Boisseau seconded. Carried 4-0.
Selectman Jensen told the Board he contacted Consolidated Communications and confirmed they received his message and he is waiting to hear from them.
Selectman Jensen also told the Board they are up to almost 200 subscribers to the newsletter.
Mrs. Farrell asked what the status is of the parking on Main Street that causes a danger when pulling out of Agassiz Street. Selectman Moore said Dept. of Transportation (DOT) has the information and we are waiting to hear from them. Selectman Jensen said he will call DOT to follow up.
Mrs. Farrell said she has issues with the website and can’t print things out without getting all the “stuff” on the sides. The Board discussed the website and the possibility of having it redone.
Mrs. Farrell asked if the town is able to use the $500,000 grant that others have used and was told yes, and they have in the past.
Peter Roy said the vote counting machine doesn’t have a cover on it and asked if the meeting room still gets locked. The Board will check on the cover, but they believe the actual counter is out of case. He was told the room was locked and also it is not accessible when closed because the outside doors are locked.
At 7:08 Chairman Boisseau moved to go into non-public session per RSA 91A:3 II for matters of personnel and reputation. Selectman Moore seconded. Chairman Boisseau did roll call with all members agreeing to go into non-public session. Dann objected to the non-public session.
The Board discussed personnel.
The Board agreed to go forward with the IRS OT audit.
The Board discussed a taxpayer issue. Selectman Moore moved to approve the tax payment arrangement for map/lot 406-022-026 for $1000.00 by 05/17/19 and $225.00 by 06/28/19 and if not paid in full on the 28th of June the property will be deeded on 06/29/19. If property is sold prior to 06/28/19 taxes due immediately from proceeds. Selectman Caplain seconded. Carried 4-0.
The Board reviewed a mileage reimbursement agreement for an employee. Chairman Boisseau moved to approve the mileage reimbursement agreement from Jan going forward. Selectman Caplain seconded. Carried 4-0.
Chairman Boisseau moved to approve DW 3% increase retroactive to week after town vote. Selectman Jensen seconded. It was noted this was budgeted for. Carried 4-0.
Selectman Caplain moved to approve increased pay rate for KL. Selectman Moore seconded. Carried 4-0.
Chairman Boisseau moved hire BH & SP for the country club. Selectman Caplain seconded. Carried 4-0.
The Board discussed deeding issues.
At 7:49 Chairman Boisseau moved to come out of non-public session. Selectman Caplain seconded. Chairman Boisseau did roll call with everyone agreeing to come out of non-public session.
Respectfully submitted,
April Hibberd
Administrative Assistant