Planning Board
June 12, 2019
6:00 pm
Present: Chairman Johnathan Stevenson, Vice Chair Mike Bruno, Chris McGrath, Marie Stevenson, Kevin Roy, Kim Koprowski and Chris Jensen
Alternates present: Anthony Rodrigues and Peter Roy
Student liaison: Nick Meachen
Chairman Stevenson opened the meeting at 6:00 pm. The board stood for the pledge of allegiance. Mr. Stevenson read the agenda for the evening.
The board introduced Nick Meachen, a student at Profile, who was interested being a student member of the board. He will participate in discussions but will not vote.
Mr. Stevenson then read the public notice for Site Plan Review for an addition to Rek`lis Brewing Company being made by owners Marlaina Renton and Ian Dowling.
The board looked over the plans as Mr. Stevenson read off the checklist. Many important items were missing, including abutters and there was no sketch of what the addition would look like.
Mr. Bruno noted these items are required and the board could not act without them. Ms. Renton and Mr. Dowling said they thought the plans were complete.
Mr. McGrath said this is an example of why it’s a good idea for applicants to come before the board first with a conceptual plan because that review can warn them of things that are missing.
Mr. Bruno motioned to continue the Site Plan for Rek`lis for the meeting on June 26, 2019. That would give the applicant time to have the plan updated and provide the missing information. Chris McGrath seconded the motion and it passed 7-0 motion.
Check list items to be updated:
- Location map
- Precinct and Zoning boundaries
- Manmade and natural features
- Abutting property land use and structures within 100`
- Proposed parking with details
- Sewer and water plan (currently on a flat fee)
- Sidewalks and fences – existing and proposed
- Lighting plan
- Signs (select board)
- Landscaping, including buffers, screening and barriers
- Snow storage
- Existing parking
Lon Weston conceptual
The next item was a conceptual from Lon Weston who wanted to open a kosher home business.
Mr. Weston presented his plan to open the store in a garage at the rear of his hotel, The Sherman Inn, on Main Street. He said he was representing a customer.
The store would be open 6 days a week, Sunday – Friday from 8 am to 8 pm “at the most” from July through August. He said it is about 20 X 20 and there is already parking. The building used to be an auto repair business.
He said there would be no cooking or food preparation, just dry goods, including some that might be refrigerated.
Marie Stevenson asked if there were any state safety permits involving food safety required. Mr. Weston said he will look into that.
Mr. Weston said he would like to have the board waive the formal Site Plan Review.
Mike Bruno motion to waive Site Plan pending all local permits – such as inspection by the building inspector and fire chief – for the kosher store. Chris McGrath seconded the motion and it passed 7-0.
That ended the Weston kosher store consideration.
Open Jon Swan Save Forest Lake
Mr. Swan asked to speak to the board regarding an email he sent claiming the town’s zoning would be violated according to a plan he has seen for a new landfill in Dalton. Kevin Roy recused himself from the board’s discussion due to him being employed by Casella.
Mr. Bruno explained that the planning board has no jurisdiction over this and enforcement of town zoning is the responsibility of the Select Board.
He also said there was no application before the planning board and so the board cannot even discuss it. He explained to Mr. Swan that he should contact the select board.
Mr. Swan said he misunderstood the process. He also said he was surprised Bethlehem was not doing anything because the Dalton planning board voted that the Casella project will have regional impact.
Mr. Swan said he would go back to the Select Board.
Minutes from May 8, 2019
Mike Bruno made a motion to approve minutes from May 8, 2019 and Kim Koprowski seconded it. It passed 7-0.
Board Business
Chris McGrath expressed his desire to have two meetings per month. He said one could be for applications and the other for work sessions. The board thought that would be a good idea.
Mr. Jensen and Mrs. Koprowski said they attended the planning and zoning conference in Concord June 1st and got a lot of valuable information. It included the value of making conceptual mandatory, something Mr. McGrath likes. Mr. Jensen said he would make a list of some of the items.
Manufactured Homes
Mr. Jensen said the Select Board has raised a concern over manufactured homes being located outside the manufactured home parks required by the town’s zoning.
He said the previous code officer – before 2013 – had been allowing manufactured homes in other areas and the Select Board had received a legal opinion that enforcing the zoning now would be difficult.
So, the Select Board was asking the planning board to take a look at the issue.
Mr. McGrath said he thinks that is a good idea.
Mr. Bruno said manufactured homes have changed over the years and some are much larger and much nicer than years ago.
Mr. Bruno said it might be possible to solve the problem by updating the definition of a manufactured home and then holding a public hearing.
The board will begin considering it on June 26th.
Villages at Maplewood
Mr. Bruno said Tim Vaughan sent an email asking about whether a site plan review was needed to allow the Bethlehem Trails Association to make a bike trail crossing the Maplewood Village property.
Mr. Jensen said since those are two private groups and there is no structure, he did not understand why the Planning Board should be involved.
Mr. Bruno suggested sending Mr. Vaughan a note saying it was outside the control of the Planning Board.
The board agreed to send Mr. Vaughan such a letter.
Name plaques for the board and alternates
Kim Koprowski made a motion to purchase name plaques for the planning board and the alternates Marie Stevenson second.
Mr. Jensen said he agreed with Kevin Roy, who originally suggested it. It would make it easier for people who do not normally come to the planning board to know who is speaking. The cost is $10 each and the board has the money. The motion passed 6-1 with Mr. McGrath opposed.
Mike Bruno said he got the rules and procedures for Northfield and Pittsfield, which are about the size of Bethlehem. He said the board members need to review these before a work session next month. This is part of a plan to review and streamline the board’s current procedures and make them easier for applicants to understand.
Public input
Rita Farrell said it is hard to hear the board discussions and she thinks the board should use the microphones. The board agreed and said members would be careful to use the microphones.
The board discussed how to fill a vacancy. The board voted to alternate between Anthony Rodrigues and Peter Roy. Debra Bayley will be responsible for keeping track.
Mr. McGrath said he will not be in attendance for the July 24, 2019 meeting.
Mike Bruno motion to adjourn Marie Stevenson second 7-0 adjourned
Adjourned 7:45 pm
Respectfully submitted
Debra Bayley
Planning/Zoning Clerk