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Bethlehem Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
Bethlehem Selectmen Office
June 30, 2014
Present: Chairperson Laleme, Selectman Blanchard, Selectman Culver, Selectman Fiorentino, Selectman Glavac.
Chairperson Laleme opened the meeting at 6:30pm.
Mary Lou Krambeer came before the Board. She handed out sign up forms for the Colonial Theatre Golf
Tournament. She said she wanted to clarify some questions that need to be answered about the Dalton Drag Strip. Ms. Krambeer said this issue began on 12/16/08. She said on 04/27/1995 the Planning Board said Site Plan Review would be needed if there was a change of use for the road. She also said the Planning Board has gone back and forth on this for years and recently obtained legal advice that yes it was change of use. Ms. Krambeer explained that a letter was sent to Mr. Ingerson telling him he needs Site Plan Review for the change of use of the road but Mr. Ingerson did not come in or submit a Site Plan Review application so the Planning Board sent it to the Select Board for enforcement. She said the Select Board voted against enforcing because the project is not happening at this time. Ms. Krambeer said in 2008 an application was submitted to the State of NH for a drag Strip and twice more since then so she said the project is definitely happening. She also said the application was for 365 days a year from 7am to midnight. Chairperson Laleme said the entire Select Board had a packet to review about the Drag Strip before they voted on the issue. Chairperson Laleme also said even if we have jurisdiction we can only look at the ¼ mile of road that is in Bethlehem and not the actual project. She pointed out that at the 09/25/13 Planning Board meeting she stated that she didn’t feel it was enforceable and that she also voted to send the letter to see if it could be solved by requesting that. Chairperson Laleme also said we don’t need the Select Board for enforcement if it is expected to rubber stamp the Planning Board decision and said this has been referred to the Town Attorney. She said the Planning Board is coming in next week at 6:30 to meet with the Select Board about enforcement and said the vote is as is until hearing from the Town Attorney and meeting with the Planning Board. Ms. Krambeer said the Select Board is responsible for enforcing the laws of Bethlehem and that Bethlehem has jurisdiction over the roads and the use of the roads. Chairperson Laleme invited Ms. Krambeer to come back next week.
Chairperson Laleme invited someone from the pool committee to come up and asked Rhienna Miscio to come up for a pool update. Clare Brown came up to represent the pool committee. Chairperson Laleme said the pool has been a huge project for the Town with lots of volunteers. She said there have been some communication issues, money issues, etc. but it is time to put everything behind us to get it opened and suggests an opening date in two weeks. She said the bathhouse looks ready to go and the pool has a leak but has heard that is fixable. Chairperson Laleme said we can get all the inspectors in for next week and can open it by the 14th and that the committee and Rhienna need to come to together and advise on whether it can happen. Chairperson Laleme also suggested we wait until we know we are ready to go to make one press release. Clare Brown read a prepared statement about all the work that has been done. Chairperson Laleme said the Rec Director has done as the Board has advised her to do. Dick Robie explained there was a camera in the pool today to show the leak and that it will not be fixed instantly. He said the water drops very little and said Groveton’s pool goes down 2 inches over night. Mr. Robie said he contacted Mitch Locker at DES who said a discharge permit is needed for the extra chemicals and said if you spill chlorinated water it is no worse than water going in your garden. Selectman Fiorentino expressed concern about the waste of the extra water being used to keep the pool full. Mr. Robie said it’s going down the drain and collected and put back in the system. Mr. Robie said the pool has always leaked and said they would do the discharge permit. Chairperson Laleme told Mr. Robie to address the permit and call the office when it’s done and told Rhienna to arrange for the inspections. Selectman Culver asked if there was money to fix the leak permanently. Mr. Robie said the pipe has to be cleaned and the machine to clean the pipe is very costly (approx. $3500.00) and then there is the labor on top of that. There was discussion about communication between the pool committee and the Recreation Director. Mr. Robie said everything takes place at the pool. There was discussion about the skimmers but the math is still being done and the flow meter is not here yet to make determination yet. Rhienna Miscio said she has made 30 calls to pool committee and has only received 2 calls and gave an update on what is still pending including the AED. She said she is in contact with all the inspectors to get them here for the inspections. Chairperson Laleme said Ms. Miscio has worked extremely hard on this and has not been inactive at all and said again we need to move forward. She also said nobody has ever questioned the work that the pool committee has done. There was discussion about waiting for 2 weeks to open instead of opening in a week. It was determined 2 weeks was needed to get everything done. Mr. Leavitt said he was told the Board had an agenda to not open the pool but he was glad that wasn’t true. There was discussion about the extra water again and Bud Miller said the water from the overflow is running into the brook. Selectman Culver asked what the cost of using additional chemicals every day is because of loss of water. He was told 8 or 9% more for the summer. Chairperson Laleme said 20% of the budget has been spent so far because of everything that needed to be purchased. She also said the pool needs to open so they can determine the true cost of running it. Bruce Brown said the pool is filled with raw water and how the
pool should be drained and cleaned and then refilled. Rhienna told the Board she has been talking with John Macdonald about a vacuum but she needs Board approval because it is more than $1500.00. Selectman Fiorentino moved to authorize the spending of a vacuum for the pool. Chairperson Laleme seconded. Carried 5-0.
Rita Farrell expressed concern that Chairperson Laleme said not to talk with the press. Chairperson
Laleme said she suggested we wait until we have the facts to give to the press because a lot of
misinformation has been in the papers and on the radio.
The Board discussed the employee handbook. Chairperson Laleme moved to ask 3 department heads, have 2 Board members and April meet weekly to go through it and make suggestions and recommendations. Selectman Blanchard seconded. Carried 5-0.
The Board discussed the auctioneers. Selectman Blanchard moved to use to maximize profit margin for Town. Selectman Culver seconded. Carried 5-0.
Selectman Culver moved to go with first auctioneer that came to meet with the Board (McGlauflin Auctioneers). Chairperson Laleme seconded. Selectman Blanchard said he said the McGlauflin’s in action and he was very impressed. Carried 3-0 (Selectmen Glavac and Fiorentino abstained).
The Board discussed the hearing for the Hazard Mitigation Plan adoption and announced the hearing will be on July 14th at 6:30pm. Chairperson Laleme said we received legal advice that the Town is responsible for dues for associations for Town owned property.
The Board reviewed the minutes from 05/12/14. Selectman Glavac moved to approve the minutes. Chairperson Laleme seconded. Carried 3-0 (Selectman Culver and Selectman Fiorentino abstained).
The Board reviewed the minutes from 06/23/14. Selectman Glavac said the vote for the Davidson Ridge
Association he voted no. Selectman Glavac moved to approve the minutes as amended. Chairperson
Laleme seconded. Carried 4-0. (Selectman Culver abstained).
Chairperson Laleme said it was a “who said what” situation with the newspaper and just said we should
jointly make a press release. Selectman Blanchard said he called the Caledonian Record to make
correction. Selectman Fiorentino called WLTN about the correction.
Rita Farrell said in reference to the Planning Board meeting with the Select Board that she looked up the
law and that the law says the select Board shall enforce what the Planning Board asks them to enforce.
Selectman Fiorentino asked Ms. Farrell what law she was referring to. Chris McGrath said it is not a NH
RSA but a Planning Board regulation.
Rita asked the Board when the arrangement was made to have the C & D from the Cruft Buidling demolition go to the landfill. She asked if the Board voted or not on that and she also asked if the demolition included the foundation. She was told the foundation was included in the scope of work and also that the tipping fees should not be included in the bid was included in the scope of work.
There was discussion about the Select Board member that is the liaison for the Planning Board and how that member is a voting member. Rita Farrell suggested Chairperson Laleme as the liaison should have recues herself form the Select Board vote because she was part of the Planning Board discussion. Chairperson Laleme said she doesn’t see it as a conflict.
Rita Farrell said she would like to be able to hear everything that is said at the meeting from everyone.
Carole Hammarberg told Selectman Fiorentino that she doesn’t have any more of the paint for the fence at the Visitor’s Center and she also said she notified Sheila (Visitor Center website) about removing the
Chamber of Commerce from the website.
At 7:45 Chairperson Laleme moved to go into non-public session per RSA 91-A:3, II (a) & (c). Selectman
Fiorentino seconded. Chairperson Laleme did roll call with all members agreeing to go into non-public
The Board discussed tax deeding on 07/10/14.
The Board discussed personnel.
Selectman Culver moved to give additional 20 hours vacation time to Alan Demoranville. Selectman
Fiorentino seconded. Carried 5-0.
At 8:39 Chairperson Laleme moved to come out of non-public session. Selectman Fiorentino seconded. Carried 5-0.
At 8:39 Chairperson Laleme moved to adjourn. Selectman Glavac seconded. Carried 5-0.
Respectfully submitted,
April Hibberd
Administrative Assistant