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07/08/2019 SB Minutes

Bethlehem Board of Selectmen

Meeting Minutes

July 8, 2019


Present: Chairman Boisseau, Selectman Moore, Selectman Moritz, Selectman Jensen, Selectman Caplain.


Chairman Boisseau opened the meeting at 6:05.


Martie Cook gave an update on the community gardens. She said the beds are built, vegetables planted and growing.  She also told the Board that 65-70 kids from BES volunteered and about 9 adults have also volunteered.  Ms. Cook said the lettuce, spinach and herbs have been given out to families and individuals.  She thanked Scott Harris from the highway dept. for moving the hose many times.  She also told the Board that she will be looking into garden grants that start in the fall.  She said she would like to eventually get cold frames so growing can begin in March.


The Board opened the sand bids. Chairman Boisseau said 2 bids were received previously (Chicks – $9.00/yard, AB excav. – $10.75/yard delivered & $7.50/yard picked up) but they extended the time to submit a bid and received one more.  The bid received is from Bethlehem Earth Materials for $6.75/yard.  Road Agent, Brett Jackson said they have been getting it from Bethlehem Earth Materials for a few years now, but he is concerned with the culvert project on Main Street causing hold ups with picking it up.  He also said there was a lot of silt in it last year which was a problem.  Selectman Jensen said the culvert project is at least 4 – 12 weeks out from starting because they are having a problem with getting the liner.  Mr. Jackson said Chick’s product is good and said he would like to buy from both Chick’s and Bethlehem Earth Materials (AB was eliminated due to distance).  He asked if the Board could table it so he can talk to the two companies to see if they will sell less.  The Board tabled it.  Mr. Jackson said he talked with Bethlehem Earth Materials about the condition of the sand and was told it will be much better this year.


The Board discussed the formation of a parking committee. Chairman Boisseau said they have received 4 letters of interest from Chris Brooks, Pat Doughty, Tinker Stevenson and Stephen Dignazio.  Rita Farrell said at the last meeting she said she wanted to be on the committee.  She wrote a letter of interest and submitted it to Chairman Boisseau.  Selectman Moritz moved to accept the 5 members of the parking committee. Selectman Moore seconded.  Carried 5-0.  The Board discussed the deadline and agreed the committee will report their findings to the Board on August 5th.

The Board discussed employee parking and how it is becoming more difficult because of people using the municipal parking lot.   They talked about designating 2 spots in the lower lot (roadside) as municipal employee parking, 2 spots as municipal customer parking and all 6 spots by the fence as municipal employee parking.  Brett Jackson will get the signs.


The Board reviewed the yearly GIS maintenance agreement for $2,400.00.  Selectman Moritz moved to move forward with the agreement.  Selectman Caplain seconded. Carried 5-0.

The Board reviewed an abatement request from Mary Jackson due to an error in the tax billing. Selectman Moritz moved to approve the abatement of $59.72. Selectman Caplain seconded.  Carried 5-0. 


The Board discussed having to accept the funds of $4000.00 received from the NH Assoc. of Conservation Commissions for the grant the Conservation Commission received to survey the boundaries of the town forest. Selectman Moritz moved to accept the $4000.00. Selectman Jensen seconded.  Carried 5-0. 


Chairman Boisseau said for public input people may speak for 3 minutes and for any discussions above that amount of time will be an agenda item.


Selectman Jensen said he will be sending in the Tillotson grant this week to redo the website to help with economic growth and will include branding and marketing plan. He said the application will ask for $18,000.00.


Selectman Jensen said the Transfer Station Committee talked about calling Eversource to get an estimate for 3 phase power. The Board gave the okay for Selectman Jensen to call Eversource about that.


The Board reviewed the minutes from 06/24/19. Selectman Moore moved to approve the minutes. Selectman Moritz seconded. Carried 4-0 (Chairman Boisseau abstained). 




Gillian Scrima told the Board about her street sign issue she has. She said a neighbor took down the street sign and put one up that just has his address on it.  She said she is concerned about emergency services finding them if need be.  She said she would like the sign put back up that identifies the road name (Spruce).  Brett Jackson said he sees where it is a 911 issue but said it is a private road, so no tax dollars are supposed to be spent towards that.  Chief Ho-Sing-Loy said the town should put up 2 signs with addresses for both houses until it gets solved.  Selectman Moore said she wants to see all the documents and said she will call NHMA.  She said to put it on the agenda in 2 weeks and the neighbor will be told not to take signs down.


Rita Farrell said they (Board) violated the new rule (3 minutes to talk). She said the Jefferson Street issue she was told they met the rules and the builder said everything is fine and that she was told not to talk to any employees anymore.  She told the Board that the plan for the house on Jefferson street does not match what they built.  She also asked when the Board guidelines and procedures were adopted because she didn’t know anything about them.

Selectman Jensen told her she can ask department heads questions but what the Board said was she can’t order employees to do something. Selectman Caplain said Dave Wiley addressed her concerns about the Jefferson Street property.  Mrs. Farrell said she hasn’t seen the data and wants more detail to see that it is consistent with the law.  Selectman Caplain said there was a waiver for the house, and they could put the house where the old house was on the old footprint.  Selectman Moritz said it is the same as Baker Brook project where the cabins were grandfathered for setbacks and footprint.

Chairman Boisseau said when the new board members were elected in March, they adopted the guidelines and procedures for clarity on responsibility & roles of board members.

Selectman Moritz said they are making sure everyone has a chance to speak and for long items to be agenda items.

Chairman Boisseau said he allowed the road sign conversation to go over because the police chief and road agent were in the room to answer specific questions, so he feels it was warranted to do that. He said the building code item is an agenda item and they could have invited Dave Wily to come.


At 7:15 Chairman Boisseau moved to go into non-public session per RSA 91A:3 II for matters of Real estate, personnel and reputation. Selectman Caplain seconded.  Chairman Boisseau did roll call with all members agreeing to go into non-public session. 


The Board discussed personnel.


Selectman Moritz moved to hire AD & EK for part-time officer positions. Selectman Moore seconded.  Carried 5-0. 


The Board discussed the country club lease.


Selectman Moore moved to sign the Letter of Intent (LOI) subject to acceptance and town vote. Chairman Boisseau seconded.  Carried 5-0. 


The Board agreed to send letter to employee who needs to re-sign document and will not be able to work if she doesn’t come in and sign by the deadline given in the letter.


Selectman Moritz moved to hire JS for the recreation dept. as a back up lifeguard. Selectman Caplain seconded.  Carried 5-0. 


At 8:00 pm Selectman Caplain moved to adjourn. Chairman Boisseau seconded.  Carried 5-0. 



Respectfully submitted,

April Hibberd

Administrative Assistant