Bethlehem Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
July 22, 2019
Present: Chairman Boisseau, Selectman Moore, Selectman Jensen.
Chairman Boisseau opened the meeting at 6:00.
Chairman Boisseau said the Bethlehem Revolving Loan Fund committee needs a new member and have recommended Mary Jackson. He explained the fund gives low interest loans and façade grants to Main Street businesses. Selectman Moore moved to approve the appointment of Mary Jackson to be on the committee. Selectman Jensen seconded. Carried 3-0.
Angel Larcom came before the Board to discuss Bethlehem Events. She said they now have their non-profit 501c3 status. She also said that Summerfest will be on August 10 and they have received the parade permit for that. She explained everything will be consolidated at the gazebo this year and will include music vendors as well.
Ms. Larcom also discussed with the Board the summer concerts at the gazebo and said Bethlehem Events is helping Tim Fleury with the marketing part. She said Mr. Fleury will still handle the money part of it. She suggested they increase the warrant article request to allow for increased prices for performers and for marketing.
Ms. Larcom said they have been working with the recreation kids making papier mache masks and is looking for grant opportunities. She handed out a picture of logo for Bethlehem Events.
She also talked about a billboard for events and wanting to find one on each end of town to advertise different events for non-profits. Jack Anderson said they (Bethlehem Events Committee) will investigate that and come back with more information.
The Board discussed a request from Reklis for an approval letter for their liquor license retroactive, so they have proper license approval. Selectman Moore moved to write the approval letter. Selectman Jensen seconded. Carried 3-0.
Jack Anderson discussed with the Board creating a new municipal parking lot. He explained he wants to move his storage containers back onto a level pad 12 feet or so apart and put rafters on top to build a roof. He said he would like to get the containers moved this year and said he thinks he can keep costs down and will be able to afford that this year. He said it then would be turned into a parking area. He also said he can put numbers together but doesn’t feel it will be that much of an expense. He explained there is a sewer line under the parking lot area but they will not be paving it so it will be easier to access if they need to. Chief Anderson also talked with the Board about the lower section of that area and said that could also be potential parking but said a lot of clearing would need to happen. He also said the “giants chair” (old dam) is a potential safety hazard but doesn’t know what the solution is.
Tim Fleury came before the Board to discuss getting a pool vacuum. He said the current one has stopped working and he had to ship it to NJ to have it fixed and it will cost $2115.45 to have it fixed. He explained he could get a new one for $4,600.00 and said the current one was purchased 4 or 5 years ago. He also said the new one he would like is a different manufacturer with a better reputation. Mr. Fleury said the certified pool operator will try to get it for cost ($4,300.00) to save some money. Mr. Fleury said he has the money in his revolving fund. There was discussion about waiting until the end of the season to see if they could get a better price. Mr. Fleury said he would check with the CPO about that. He said it would cost $80.00 to send the old one back so asked if he could try to sell it on the internet instead with full disclosure on what is wrong with it. Board agreed putting it on internet was ok.
Chairman Boisseau moved to approve the purchase of a new pool cleaner/vacuum not to exceed $5,600.00 at discretion of purchasing time on Tim Fleury. Selectman Jensen seconded. Carried 3-0.
The Board discussed road signs on private roads. Selectman Moore said she has been looking into the issue on Cedar Drive/Ridge and Spruce Road and drove down there to see it. She said per RSA 231:133 the Board of Selectmen has the power to name or rename roads whether it is a private road, right of way, etc. Selectman Moore showed the Board a map that shows how she thinks the roads should be marked. She said the sign on Route 302 will stay Cedar Drive; the right of way on the left off of Cedar Drive will be named Spruce Road because it has been addressed as Spruce since 1972. She explained driving in a little further Cedar Drive turns off to the right and said it looks like a driveway and a sign will be placed there indicating it is Cedar Drive. She further explained where Cedar turns off to the left (identified as Spruce in deed and on maps) it will be the start of Ridge Road with a sign placed there to identify it. She said this will not change anyone’s address. Selectman Moore said all signs put up to make it clear will be town signs. She said 911 maps will be updated and that Chief Ho-Sing-Loy and Brett Jackson agrees with this plan for safety reason and to clarify addresses. She also said she got legal advice from the town attorney. Jay Redford said it is his property and that it is being changed to a road. Chairman Boisseau said it is within their means to name the roads and will be safer for inhabitants who live there. He also said the tax maps show 2 different roads so for emergency services if 911 was called it will clarify it. Selectman Moore said the town is only putting a sign up and that the right of way is still a right of way. Mr. Redford said there are lots for sale that are advertised as Spruce Road (on the former Spruce Road) so it will cause traffic on the right of way Spruce Road. Gillian Scrima said she contacted the attorney for who owns the lots that are for sale and the 10-foot-wide road/right of way is not a driveway and that Mr. Redford does not own that. She also said there are only 2 houses on Spruce Road, and he can’t block people from the Road. Selectman Moore said the homemade sign needs to be removed and said 911 markers will be in front of each house. Selectman Moore moved to put up new road signs in Birchwood Development to match the map and Mr. Jackson will put the signs up. Selectman Jensen seconded. Carried 3-0.
Kim Koprowski asked about the 911 signs because she lives on a private road that includes houses that are in Franconia. She was told to talk with Chief Anderson about that.
Chairman Boisseau said the cemetery has rules that the cemetery sexton and committee say are not being followed and they want to let people know of rules and that they will start enforcing them. The Board discussed putting a notice on the website, in the newsletter, on Facebook, in the Courier. They all agreed and decided to do the newspaper ad in the fall and then a month before the rules will start being enforced (next season).
Selectman Moore told the Board about another private road situation she has been looking into. She explained on Gale River Road there is signage on a gate that has Private Road and a posted sign. She said it is a town road but not maintained. She also said the gate is ok if it is not locked but signs and a locked gate are not ok. She said Copper Cannon isn’t doing it so she wants to talk with landowners and notify them they can’t do that. Mr. Jackson will order new signs identifying it as a town road that is not maintained. The Board agreed to have Selectman Moore contact the landowners.
Chairman Boisseau said on Friday night there was an unruly person in town that was asked to leave the colonial and other places. He said the police picked this person up and brought them home. He said there are not any public intoxication laws and said no laws were broken.
Selectman Jensen said the concern was the police were called because they were frightened, and they never heard back from the police. Selectman Jensen also said he thought the Chief would be at the meeting to explain. Steve Dignazio said the man came into Cold Mtn. Café and was hustled out and then went into the Colonial theater and the manager kicked him out of there. Selectman Moore said the police got the person going down Main Street. Jane Storella said when she called 911, she talked with dispatcher and dispatcher connected her to Bethlehem dispatch. She also said no cruiser came up and she never got a phone call. Ms. Storella said Roland Shick had an encounter with the man after he left the Colonial and said Cold Mtn. Café called 911 twice.
Chairman Boisseau said they will follow up on the issue. Selectman Jensen said the Chief should have been at the meeting. Chairman Boisseau said he received only a brief explanation of the issue and didn’t know the extent of it. Selectman Jensen said he would like it put on the agenda in 2 weeks. Mr. Dignazio said he would like a written report with the timeline. Cheryl Jensen asked if the police department has a call log and if so, why wasn’t it written down. Gillian Scrima suggested a rule be implemented for situations like this due to safety concerns. Kim Koprowski said she saw police officers from another town the next day and they said multiple departments were aware of the situation and were offering to come as back up if needed. She also said a follow up saying it has been taken care of would be nice. Selectman Jensen said multiple people had same concerns and wants the Chief at the next meeting. He said it is a small town and should get specialized service.
The Board reviewed abatements.
Chairman Boisseau moved to deny the exemption request for Map/Lot 437/17&18 based on assessors’ recommendation. Selectman Moore seconded. Carried 3-0.
Chairman Boisseau moved to approve the refund abatement for Map/Lot 203-065 due to double payment. Selectman Moore seconded. Carried 3-0.
The Board reviewed the minutes from 07/08/19 & 07/10/19. Chairman Boisseau moved to approve the minutes from 07/08/19. Selectman Jensen seconded. Carried 3-0.
Selectman Moore moved to approve the minutes from 07/10/19. Selectman Jensen seconded. Carried 2-0 (Chairman Boisseau abstained).
Chairman Boisseau said the meeting format discussion from the last meeting will be put on hold until further discussion to allow research to make sure it is clear between “other” and “public input”.
Mrs. Jensen asked about the status of the pool at Baker Brook and was told it looks like it has been drained. Mr. Redford said the fence is not complete around the Baker Brook pool.
Mrs. Jensen asked about cleaning the meeting room because it is filthy.
There was discussion about a town Facebook page because the other one is restricted on topics. It was stated it wouldn’t be a good idea to have a town Facebook page.
At 7:55 Chairman Boisseau moved to adjourn. Selectman Moore seconded. Carried 3-0.
Respectfully submitted,
April Hibberd
Administrative Assistant