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08/05/2019 SB Minutes

Bethlehem Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
August 5, 2019

Present: Chairman Boisseau, Selectman Moore, Selectman Jensen, Selectman Moritz.

Chairman Boisseau opened the meeting at 6:00.

The Board discussed the burned apartment building on Main Street and options on what they can do with it.  It was stated the building burned 7-8 years ago.  Chairman Boisseau said the owner is looking to sell the building.  He also said the Board should consider looking at the ordinance to add to it to be able to enforce removal or repairing buildings like these and also said we could continue to add to the dilapidated buildings capital reserve fund.  Selectman Jensen asked how the owner will sell it if he can’t take it down.  He said he is concerned it will continue to sit there and he has heard of an RSA that authorizes the Board to have it removed and bill the owner.  Chairman Boisseau said it is RSA 155B and the town can put a lien on the cost of removing the building.  Selectman Moritz asked what liability the town would have in taking it down.  Chairman Boisseau said he talked with Chief Anderson about the possibility of a controlled burn and was told it is not a good location for a training burn.  Selectman Moritz questioned if the building is not town owned would it benefit property owner only.  Selectman Moore said if the owner doesn’t sell then we have to wait to get the money from the lien.  Chairman Boisseau said we don’t have an ordinance for this type of building.    The Board discussed getting an estimate of the cost of taking it down but will check with Chief Anderson to see if he has that figure.  Selectman Moritz said they need to make sure it isn’t benefitting a single resident.  Selectman Jensen said he would like clarification on if the owner can be ordered to take the building down.  Selectman Moritz said there are other buildings that also have environmental impacts and they should check with Mitchell Group.  Selectman Moritz moved to investigate further by having Chairman Boisseau reach out to legal about 2323 Main Street property.  Selectman Moore seconded.  Carried 4-0.  Selectman Jensen asked about Planning Board looking into it (ordinance) and was told yes.

Chairman Boisseau said the Board previously talked about meeting rules and wanted to follow up on that discussion.  He said the only legal obligation the Board has is to post the time, date and place of a meeting.  He said they do not have to list agenda items and they do not have to allow public input at the meetings.  He said they should decide who puts agenda items on the agenda and who talks about each item.  Chairman Boisseau said he appreciates public input and has heard having public input first is a good idea.  He said he doesn’t like the idea of a 3-minute.  Selectman Jensen said the time limit could be a goal and they could trust the chair to control time.  He also said he likes public input first.  Selectman Moritz said with public input first they will talk about agenda items.  Chairman Boisseau said for agenda items he would like input to come after the Board is done discussing and then it will be formally opened for discussion.  He also said if a group comes in for an agenda item to meet with the Board they will be asked if they want to take public input or not.  Selectman Moritz said adding items to the agenda shouldn’t happen after Thursday unless administrative items.  She said Thursday being the cutoff gives the Board time to get information and prepare.  Chairman Boisseau said he was thinking of keeping it Thursday at noon for the public and Friday at noon for the Board.   Selectman Moritz suggested the Board be the same as the public, Thursday at noon.  Chairman Boisseau agreed and said administrative stuff can be added.  The Board all agreed.

The Board discussed the sand bid.  Chairman Boisseau said Brett Jackson said the 2 companies he wanted to split the bid with are both okay with it being split.  He said Bethlehem Earth Materials is $6.75/yard and Chick’s is $9.00/yard.  Selectman Moore moved to get sand from both Bethlehem Earth Works and Chick’s Sand & Gravel.  Selectman Jensen seconded.  Carried 4-0.

The Board discussed the boundary line issue we have with Littleton on Railroad Street.  Selectman Moritz said she met with Littleton town and a surveyor 2.5 years ago and recently with the Town Manager and it was recommendation to go with surveyor’s recommendation.  Selectman Moritz moved to go with Boulanger survey with Littleton boundary on Railroad St.  Selectman Moore seconded.  Carried 4-0.

Chairman Boisseau said there is a request for an appointment to the Bretzfelder Park committee.  Selectman Moore moved to approve Ann Gruczka for a 3-year term on the Bretzfelder Park committee.  Selectman Moritz seconded.  Carried 4-0.

The Board reviewed a refund abatement due to the property being qualified for an exemption.
Selectman Moritz moved to approve a refund abatement for map/lot 203-047-002 for $1385.10 per Mary Jackson’s recommendation.  Selectman Moore seconded.  Carried 4-0.

The Board reviewed a supplemental tax collector warrant for $3,659.29.  Selectman Moritz moved to approve the warrant.  Selectman Moore seconded.  Carried 4-0.

The Board reviewed a request for a refund on a golf membership due to illness.  Selectman Moore said extending the membership is not an option and said she feels this would be opening a door.  Chairman Boisseau said it is a gamble when you purchase a membership.  Selectman Moritz said she would like to get Matt’s opinion.  The Board agreed to get Matt’s recommendation and look at it again in 2 weeks.  Selectman Moritz will reach out to Matt.  Selectman Jensen suggested they could offer to extend the membership with the warning it may not be valid if there is a new operator.

Chairman Boisseau said he has an update on the issue with the Colonial and Cold Mtn. Café that happened a couple of weeks ago.  He said he followed up with Chief Ho-Sing-Loy and gave him the feedback from the meeting.  He said the Chief gave him the times from the original call to 911 (21:01) to when the person was found (21:07).  He said the officer brought the person home after he was found.  Chairman Boisseau said it is not protocol for the police to call back the person who called in.  He said if we want to change that the Board can discuss it as a Board in non-public.  There was discussion about the broad topic could be in public but specific employee discussions would be in non-public.

Selectman Jensen said people in the community may have expertise in internet speed and may want to form a committee with those people to discuss internet and Consolidated.  Selectman Moritz suggested gathering information from them without forming a committee.  Selectman Jensen said he can post looking for people.  He also said he will put in the newsletter the information about Consolidated for people that have complaints about the internet.

Selectman Moritz asked about grants for storm remediation issues.  Selectman Jensen said he is looking at that and has a meeting on Thursday about it.

The Board reviewed the minutes from 07/22/19.  Selectman Moore moved to approve the minutes.  Chairman Boisseau seconded.  Carried 3-0 (Selectman Moritz abstained).

Selectman Moore announced that Saturday is Summerfest.

Selectman Moore also said from August 8th – 18th the Rainbow Gathering will be happening in the National Forest off Trudeau Road.

At 7:05 Chairman Boisseau moved to go into non-public session per RSA 91A:3 II for matters of personnel and reputation.  Selectman Moore seconded.  Chairman Boisseau did roll call with all members agreeing to go into non-public session.

The Board discussed personnel.

At 7:45 Selectman Moritz moved to adjourn.  Selectman Moore seconded.  Carried 4-0.

Respectfully submitted,
April Hibberd
Administrative Assistant