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08/19/2019 SB Minutes

Bethlehem Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
August 19, 2019

Present: Chairman Boisseau, Selectman Moore, Selectman Jensen, Selectman Moritz, Selectman Caplain.

Chairman Boisseau opened the meeting at 6:05.

Rita Farrell said she found a liaison list on the website and asked if people still have to go to liaison first before going to the whole board.  Selectman Moritz said she was told they couldn’t give a directive to an employee but can still go to employee directly for questions and regular business.  Mrs. Farrell told the Board about a book she found in the office about grandfathering and non-conforming uses and said the rules are clear.

Chairman Boisseau read 2 letters received from citizens thanking the police department for their service and commending the officers (Bushway & Donahue) for their handling of the situation.

Mrs. Farrell said her daughter went to a parking committee meeting and the Chief was there and her daughter thought the Chief was great and very helpful.

Kevin Low from SNS came before the board to discuss Mountain Top Telecom a high-speed wireless internet service option that SNS manages.  He said they use the tower on Cannon Mtn so people who can see the tower can access the service.  He explained they are looking for a landowner for a tower and asked the Board about the possibility of talking to the owner of the Agassiz tower.  He said he could attach 5 radios to tower and can serve 60 – 80 households per radio. Mr. Low said he is looking for help from the town in talking with the landowner and possibly with help toward cost of a new tower ($15,000).  Paul Greenlaw said many nonprofits write grants together and may be beneficial for Mountain Top, Bethlehem Reimagined, the Town, etc., write the grant together.  There was discussion about the cost being from taxpayers.  Chairman Boisseau said there is a benefit to the town because people move here.  Selectman Jensen asked why people should switch to that and was told because it is local, faster, and more reliable.  Mr. Low said the height of most of his towers are 75 feet.

Chairman Boisseau said he wanted the full Board to discuss the police call back situation. He said police were called and there was expedient response by police.  Chairman Boisseau said he talked with the Chief and the police did everything right in their response to the situation at the Colonial and Cold Mtn. Café.  He said the officer brought the person home and responded quickly.  He also explained we currently don’t call people back from the police department or other responder departments.  He said people are welcome to call them back for an update.  He said he thinks the police acted appropriately and said they can’t make policy for them because it is up to the Chief.  Selectman Jensen said he thought the Chief would be here at the meeting and said it would be nice if he had the courtesy to be here.  He said in a small town when they are not swamped, they could follow up; it would be great public relations.  Selectman Moore said it is not efficient use of time.   Selectman Moritz said it may make sense to call back a place that deals with the public, but it is not policy in place now.  She asked what if they can’t respond then it is a slippery slope if we mandate what department does.  She said if you want additional information, call back.  Selectman Moritz said it makes more sense for the caller to call back for an update and that they need to get that information out there.   She also said if the Board does want to make it, so we discuss policy and expect department heads to be here then we need to do that with all departments not just the police.  Chairman Boisseau said he invited the Chief and didn’t mandate him to come and said he has nothing to defend.  He said he wanted to have this on the agenda because there is a full board and it needed to be discussed as a full board.

The Board discussed a sign permit application for Rusty Bucket.  There was discussion about the location of the sign and if it was located in the right of way of Route 302. Selectman Moore moved to approve the design of the sign contingent on owner confirming ownership of property it is placed on and checking with DOT that it is not on right of way.  Selectman Moritz seconded.  Carried 5-0.  Dick Robie said he has a sign in his garage that he cannot put on 302 per DOT.

Selectman Moore said the historical markers that are around town are a disaster except the one in front of Linda Herrmann’s because she has taken care of hers.  She said the Heritage does not have the money to fix them.  Selectman Moore suggested maybe people would adopt them and they could get granite posts for about $150.00 for them.  She said she doesn’t know what the answer is but wanted to start a conversation about them.  Harry Newell said there is technology today that could make them weatherproof.  Mr. Robie said he dug an old one up on the Cruft block property.  He also said the school has a cone over the broken post of one.  Mrs. Farrell suggested contacting the NH preservation society for a grant.  Selectman Moritz said that is a 50% grant so then they could possibly get the other half from people “adopting” a marker.  Selectman Moore said she would contact people that has one on their property to see if they would be interested in adopting it.  Selectman Jensen asked about adding audio to it.  Selectman Moore said possibly with a QR code.

Selectman Moore told the Board she has an appointment for the Conservation Commission.  Selectman Moore moved to appoint Vivian Winterhoff to the Bethlehem Conservation Commission for a 3-year term.  Selectman Moritz seconded.  Carried 5-0.

Ian Dowling from Rek-lis told the Board he needs letters for his liquor approval because whenever he changes anything with his property inside or out, he needs to update his license.  He said he needs a letter for when he enclosed the deck, to use Les Apple’s property (through the end of the year)– because of construction taking away their “waiting” space they are using approx. 75×75 feet of his property for a canopy, picnic tables, cornhole, etc., then he will need one for the addition.  Selectman Moore moved to write the letters for liquor approval.  Selectman Caplain seconded.  Carried 5-0.

The Board reviewed a liquor approval request from Arlington Hotel.  There were questions why the letter said bed & breakfast and not hotel.  The Board tabled this so April could look into it.

The Board reviewed a refund abatement.  Selectman Moritz moved to approve a refund for map/lot 203-065 for $1563.31 due to a double payment.  Selectman Moore seconded.  Carried 5-0.

The Board reviewed the minutes from 08/05/19.  Selectman Moore moved to approve the minutes.  Chairman Boisseau seconded.  Carried 5-0.

At 7:40 Chairman Boisseau moved to go into non-public session per RSA 91A:3 II for matters of personnel and real estate.  Selectman Moritz seconded.  Chairman Boisseau did roll call with all members agreeing to go into non-public session.

The Board discussed personnel.

The Board discussed real estate.

At 8:30 Chairman Boisseau moved to adjourn.  Selectman Moore seconded.  Carried 5-0.

Respectfully submitted,
April Hibberd
Administrative Assistant