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08/30/2019 SB Minutes

Bethlehem Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
August 30, 2019

Present: Chairman Boisseau, Selectman Moore, Selectman Jensen, Selectman Moritz, Selectman Caplain.

Chairman Boisseau opened the meeting at 12:00.

Chris Deapo who lives at 2534 Main Street said he is an abutter to the Ahead project and has no protections from the construction going on.  He said he hopes in the future the town does better to protect taxpayers.  Selectman Jensen said they met with them (Ahead) yesterday and they will not change the construction hours.  He said they will move the porta potty and will use a water truck to help with the dust issue.  Selectman Jensen also said there was nothing in the Planning Board process to restrict the construction hours and said the noise ordinance needs to be a warrant article.  Chris Deapo said 7am – 5pm would be an acceptable work time to them.  The Board discussed researching start and end times for construction times from other towns.  Selectman Moritz said they could look at the noise ordinance Chief Ho-Sing-Loy proposed in the past.  Selectman Moore asked about drafting a letter to Ahead.  Selectman Moritz agreed with that and suggested they include idea of drafting a warrant article due to the issue.  Rita Farrell said there is a history of violation of law for Ahead.  She said they fit all the road frontage together to meet the 150 feet road frontage requirement and that is not legal. Selectman Moritz suggested they ask Ahead to come before the Board.  The Board agreed to this and they will be given the option on the 9th or the 23rd.

The Board discussed the Arlington liquor license approval.  It was stated they don’t need a letter because it is not required but the Arlington is asking for one.  Selectman Moritz moved to write a letter of support for liquor license.  Selectman Caplain seconded.  Carried 5-0.

Selectman Jensen said people are talking on Facebook about traffic being too fast by Baker Brook and concern for pedestrians.  He said people who are staying there are crossing the road to walk opposite the traffic and there isn’t a crosswalk and asked if they can add one now.  He asked about reducing the speed limit.  Selectman Moritz said the state does a study for the speed limit, but it doesn’t always work in our favor because it goes by speed people actually go.  She said we could write a letter to DOT.  Selectman Jensen said they could have the police patrol more there.  The Board all agreed to send DOT a letter and to include a request for an analysis, ask if a crosswalk can be added now and questions about signage.

The Board discussed whether or not to advertise the fuel bids and decided to advertise them based on our current company not servicing us anymore when the contract is up at the end of September.

The Board discussed a request from Frank Claffey to go to the municipal budget class that costs $90.00.  Selectman Moritz moved to approve for $90.00 expenditure for him to attend the class.  Selectman Moore seconded.  Carried 5-0.

The Board discussed April contacting an assessing company about getting information about specialized properties.  They gave April permission to do so.

The Board reviewed the minutes from 08/19/19.  Selectman Moore moved to approve the minutes.  Selectman Jensen seconded.  Carried 5-0.

At 12:40 Chairman Boisseau moved to go into non-public session per RSA 91 A:3 II for matters of Personnel, Legal, and Real Estate.  Selectman Caplain seconded.  Chairman Boisseau did roll call with all members agreeing to go into non-public session.
Chairman Boisseau moved to hire PM for rec dept.  Selectman Moritz seconded.  Carried 5-0.
The Board discussed legal.  The Board decided to utilize firm we use for Northern Pass for legal issue.
The Board discussed enforcement issues.
At 1:25 Chairman Boisseau moved to adjourn.  Selectman Moritz seconded.  Carried 5-0.

Respectfully submitted,
April Hibberd
Administrative Assistant