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Bethlehem Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes
Bethlehem Selectmen Office August 29, 2016
Present: Chairman Glavac, Selectman Laleme, Selectman Ubaldo, Selectman Blanchard.
Chairman Glavac opened the meeting at 6:30pm.
Dave Gagnon came before the Board to discuss a property line issue with his property at 504 Railroad Street. He said he used to have 3.8 acres of land but Littleton took part of it. He said we sold a lot that was supposed to be his but he lost the bid because he did it wrong. He has had the property surveyed and the property line is on the wrong side of the road and he lost 3 acres of land because of it. Selectman Laleme said this property line has been a problem for many years and said the whole boundary line issue with Littleton needs to be resolved. It was suggested to Mr. Gagnon to have a title search done on his property. Selectman Laleme said we should contact Littleton Town Manager to meet with him to discuss. The Board agreed with that and told Mr. Gagnon they would let him know what they determine.
Selectman Laleme gave a Northern Pass update. She said the extension requested by DOT, DES, and Historic Resources was granted and they (SEC) haven’t decided on whether to delay technical sessions. Cheryl Jensen said she was going to the environmental technical session.
The Board reviewed a request from Chief Ho-Sing-Loy to purchase 4 tasers and enter into a 5 year interest free agreement payment plan for them. The Board had many questions so tabled this until the next meeting so the Chief could attend.
The Board reviewed abatements. Chairman Glavac moved to approve the abatement for Map/Lot 405/025 for $93.11 due to an overpayment. Selectman Blanchard seconded. Carried 4-0. Chairman Glavac moved to approve the abatement for Map/Lot 210-010-002 for $408.81 due to an overpayment. Selectman Blanchard seconded. Carried 4-0. Chairman Glavac moved to approve the abatement for Map/Lot 206/002/068 for $2,183.48 due to overpayment. Selectman Blanchard seconded. Carried 4-0. Chairman Glavac moved to approve the abatement for Map/Lot 209/055/002 for $27.43 due to overpayment. Selectman Blanchard seconded. Carried 4-0. Chairman Glavac moved to approve the abatement for Map/Lot 422/006/011 for $4,674.00 due to abatement refund. Selectman Blanchard seconded. Carried 4-0.
The Board reviewed the minutes from 08/24/16. Selectman Blanchard moved to approve the minutes. Selectman Ubaldo seconded. Carried 3-0 (Chairman Glavac abstained).
Chairman Glavac asked if anyone had any public comment. Dave White said he lives on Lewis Hill Road and is having problems with traffic, parking, garbage and noise from the synagogue. He said it is a safety issue with the parking and the traffic. Mr. White said he doesn’t think any other business would be given this leniency and said they need a designated parking lot with lines. He also said there is trash all over the place and that he picks up trash 2 -3 times a day from his lawn. He said he tries to talk to them about it but said they don’t give him the time of day. Mr. White said this situation is a breach of his peace. Carol Johnson Haywood said she agrees with what Mr. White said. She also said there has been construction work going on at 2 in the morning with construction vehicles and big bright lights. Mrs. Johnson Haywood said she also has garbage on her property often too. Chairman Glavac said they could put a parking ban on one side of the road but that it would mean it was for everyone at all times. Selectman Laleme said with the littering she believe you have to catch them littering for the police to address it. She suggested that our Police Chief, Fire Chief and Building Inspector meet with the Rabbi to discuss the noise, parking, and littering with him. Mr. White said this is not a new problem, that it has been going on for awhile and that it is non-compliance and he thinks they should not be able to operate until they are compliant. Selectman Laleme said there is no ban on parking so we can’t enforce that because it doesn’t exist. Selectman Laleme said it can be addressed through the police department and also the construction vehicles could be forced to go. The Board agreed the garbage issue could be enforced because of the wild animal ordinance and said they would speak to department heads on the issue that could be addressed.
Brett Jackson came before the Board to ask about getting rid of the 1986 Street Sweeper. He said it is no longer a productive piece of equipment and someone wants it as a sign at their entrance. Mr. Jackson asked if he could give it to them and get a credit towards street sweeping for 2017 for $500.00. Mr. Jackson said if it was scrapped we would only get approx. $160.00. Selectman Laleme moved to sell as junk for a $500.00 credit towards next year’s sweeping service. Selectman Blanchard seconded. Carried 4-0. Mr. Jackson also discussed with the Board the need to put out a bid to replace his 2005 truck. He said he has $89,000.00 in his Capital Reserve account and it will cost approx. $70,000 for an equipped truck. He said he wouldn’t be able to get anything for a trade so would have to put the 2005 out to bid. Selectman Laleme moved to put out to bid a replacement for the 2005 truck. Selectman Blanchard seconded. Carried 4-0.
Chris McGrath gave an update on the railroad bed trail on Wing Road and said there was a contract to remove the rails this summer but was stalled because of a lawsuit. He asked the Board if there was a hearing scheduled yet for ATV’s traveling on town roads. Selectman Ubaldo said it hasn’t been scheduled yet but that DOT is going to want it to be roads that are 40MPH or less and Bureau of Trails will want there to be a need for it to get services or to get around landowners that don’t allow them. Mr. McGrath suggested starting with town roads only and to residents only and until sundown for the 1st year to see how it goes. Selectman Ubaldo said Fish & Game are not in love with the idea.
Mary Jackson came before the Board to discuss a family medical leave she will be taking and how her office will be covered while she is gone. She said she will be gone from Sept. 17th until the end of October. She has asked the Town Clerk from Franconia to work on Monday’s and Thursday mornings to help Deputy Myrtle Ledoux. Mrs. Jackson said Mrs. Ledoux was not treated well when she was gone the last time and she hopes people understand she is new and still learning.
At 8:00 Chairman Glavac moved to go into non-public session per RSA 91A for matters of personnel. Selectman Laleme seconded. Chairman Glavac did roll call with all members agreeing to go into non-public session.
The Board discussed personnel. Selectman Blanchard moved to continue to employ T. Moodie at the Country Club. Selectman Ubaldo seconded. Carried 4-0.
At 8:30 Chairman Glavac moved to come out of non-public session. Selectman Blanchard seconded. Chairman Glavac did roll call with all members agreeing to come out of non-public session.
At 8:30 Selectman Laleme moved to adjourn. Selectman Ubaldo seconded. Carried 4-0.
Respectfully submitted, April Hibberd