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Bethlehem Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
Bethlehem Selectmen Office
November 2, 2015
Present: Chairman Culver, Selectman Staples, Selectman Glavac.
Chairman Culver opened the meeting at 6:40pm.
The Board discussed the tax rate. It was stated that the tax rate would be $31.20 without using any unassigned fund balance. The Board discussed the unassigned fund balance and that we currently have 10.8% and it is recommended by the Department of Revenue (DRA) that we retain between 5 and 17%. Selectman Glavac said he wants the Board to write a letter to both School Boards asking them to reduce their budgets to show what it will look like with cuts. Mary Jackson said there is not an increase for the Village District portion of the tax bill and said she thought their big project would affect the tax rate. There was discussion about how the high % of tax collection and lower amount of liens is helping with the tax rate. It was also noted that the exemptions and credits have been reduced due to people not being qualified for them.
Chairman Culver moved to set the tax rate at $29.62 using $350,000.00 from unassigned fund balance which leaves 6.49% in the fund balance and makes the municipal tax rate $5.75. Selectman Glavac seconded. Carried 3-0.
Frank Claffey asked the Board to authorize him to contact 3 banks to get quotes for a Tax Anticipation Note (TAN) because of the upcoming bond payment for the school, the county tax, the warrant article health agency payments, and the capital reserve amounts. He said the tax bills will hopefully be going out by November 13th with a due date of December 18th. He said he will be asking for up to $800,000.00. The Board gave him the ok.
The Board discussed the lights being out in the parking lot and gave the ok to call an electrician and Eversource to get them fixed.
At 8:00pm Chairman Culver moved to go into non-public session per RSA 91 A:II for matters of personnel. Selectman Glavac seconded. Chairman Culver did roll call with all members agreeing to go into non-public session.
The Board discussed personnel.
At 8:15 Chairman Culver moved to come out of non-public session. Selectman Glavac seconded. Chairman Culver did roll call with all members agreeing to come out of non-public session.
The Board discussed the 2 sale properties and the closing date. Chairman Culver moved to give an additional 30 day extension to Mr. Gould and Mr. Healy. Selectman Staples seconded. Carried 3-0.
At 8:19 Chairman Culver moved to adjourn. Selectman Staples seconded. Carried 3-0.
Respectfully submitted,
April Hibberd
Administrative Assistant