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Home » 05/07/2012 – Minutes

05/07/2012 – Minutes

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May 7, 2012

Present: Chairman Lovejoy, Jerry Blanchard, Mike Culver, Mark Fiorentino, Sandy Laleme

At 6:30 Chairman Lovejoy opened the meeting.

Chairman Lovejoy asked Greg Colby, Auditor, Plodzik and Sanderson, to approach the Board. Chairman Lovejoy asked Greg how the town is doing, if we are all set for 2009 and 2010.

Greg said he has finished the financial reports for 2009 and 2010 and hopes to be able to do our 2011 audit at the end of May or beginning of June.

Greg said the biggest findings he found for 2010 were cash disbursement issues, and issues with the Ambulance fund. He explained the majority of the Board did not sign the AP manifests on 10 out of 40 that were checked. Additionally there were invoices that were not signed by a Dept. Head and there were some late payments.

The Ambulance Fund has been dissolved but the service, billings, receivables, and write-offs will still be part of the ambulance process. Mark Fiorentino asked why this is an issue when we have an outside agency that does our billing and that there is a policy about this. Mike Culver said the policy has not been enforced. Karen Noyes said she has been working on the 2011 Ambulance reports and the reports do not tell what is being billed for who and how much and what is being written off. She said she had offered help to Jack but never heard back from him. Mark Fiorentino said he has seen receipts come in. Frank Claffey explained the reports from Omni show accounts and Jack is doing the deposits but the two do not match up. Frank said $11,000 was written off but there is not any information on whose accounts they are and there was not Select board approval. Chairman Lovejoy said Mark F. will follow up on this. Chairman Lovejoy said the Board hasn’t approved writing off any Ambulance fees in 2 years. Mark said it has been at least 4 years except for 1 Omni bill. Greg said there are alternatives to writing off the amounts. He said there are collection agencies that could be utilized to collect the fees.

Sandy Laleme told Greg the Board has instituted a lot of policies and procedures. Sandy asked Greg about the process if a Tax Collector leaves and the Board needs to appoint a new one. She asked about the audit that would need to be done and if it could be part of the regular 2011 audit. Greg said it would be a separate audit but would be done at same time if it worked out that way. It would be a separate Audit for 2012. Greg said a new person could start before the audit but not to post anything in the system until the audit is complete.

Greg explained to the Board about GASB 34, the historical recording of all capital assets of the town. Karen said Dianne has started keeping titles to all town vehicles. Sandy would like to get more information about doing this. Karen Noyes suggested looking into the SCEP program for some employment help with it at no cost to the town. Karen said the software program to maintain and update the information is $300.00. She said after the initial work of gathering all the information it is very easy to update and maintain. Greg said town policy could determine how detailed it would be, he gave an example of having a minimum purchase amount for vehicles. Frank asked about other towns also not doing this. Greg said more towns are now doing it.

Greg explained GASB 45 which is the accounting and financial reporting by employers for postemployment benefits other than pensions. It requires that the long-term cost of retirement health care and obligations for other postemployment benefits be determined on an actuarial basis and reported on the financial statements. After the initial research, updates only need to be done every few years.

Greg suggested to the board to concentrate more on record keeping and policies to have a clean audit before putting efforts in GASB 34 & 45.

Chariman Lovejoy went through the correspondence folder.

He read update letter from HE Bergeron about the Prospect Street Bridge (copy attached).

He signed the CDFA grant paperwork.

He read the DOT inspection of the Prospect Street Bridge. There was discussion about the bridge not having a weight limit. David will call Chris about the weight limit (copy attached).

He read the DOT letter about street lighting (copy attached).

He read the letter from Homeland Security, the mitigation plan is approved (copy attached).

He read a letter of compliment about Officer Hennessey (copy attached).

The board discussed the Nepotism policy. Mike Culver motioned to approve the policy, Mark Fiorentino seconded. Sandy asked the Board to wait until next week. Chairman Lovejoy said he is ok with waiting a week. Mark Fiorentino withdrew his second. Mike Culver withdrew his motion.

Chairman Lovejoy read the letter from Peter Roy about purchasing a new vacuum cleaner. Sandy said Staples has similar vacuums for much less. Mike Culver showed some from a catalog that are also much cheaper and are also commercial. Chairman Lovejoy said Peter needs to go through Cheryl for supplies. The Board also discussed toilet paper dispensers because of toilet paper being stolen from the bathrooms. Sandy will look into the vacuum and toilet paper dispensers.

Chairman Lovejoy read the LGC Right to Know workshop and Peter Roy’s request to go but be reimbursed mileage at .55 cents instead of our town policy rate of .40 cents. The board said they will not pay more than what the policy says.

Sandy Laleme read a letter of apology she wrote to North Country Home Health & Hospice about the misplaced letter of request (copy attached).

Chairman Lovejoy went through the bills that need Board approval. He signed the Lobdell bill. The Board discussed the Design Day bill and decided to pay the $1200.00 bill and then bill him for the $250.00 when the valves get done as Mr. Day offered. Chairman Lovejoy said he remembers Mr. Jackson saying it wasn’t the engineers fault. Sandy said that is was pre-existing and that if the Board is satisfied they should pay him. Mark Fiorentino said he thinks the engineer made a mistake but that we should be done with it and move on. He would like the Board to ask Mr. Jackson to oversee the valve work. Frank suggested we ask Trombly to meet with Mr. Jackson. Sandy Laleme will contact Trombly.

The Board discussed the Gazebo Band checks. Frank Claffey explained to the Board that previously the checks were made out at the beginning of the season but not dispersed to the performer until the time that they performed. Mike Culver reminded the Board about having to borrow money to pay it ahead of time and advised that they should be dispersed weekly, the week before they are due to perform. Mark Fiorentino motioned to pay the bands 1 week in advance. Chairman Lovejoy seconded. Carried 5-0.

The Board discussed the tractor that was purchased for the cemetery. The bill was an additional $20.00 because at pickup time the mower was switched to a different one by a cemetery committee member. Mike Culver motioned to approve the additional $20.00. Jerry Blanchard seconded. Carried 5-0.

Sandy Laleme presented the pool roof bids to the Board. There were three bids; Carron’s 1729.78, Lowes $1913.31, and Varney and Smith $1943.17. There were additional bids from Carron’s for 275.53 and 369.28 for a total from Carron’s of $2,374.50. Mike Culver motioned to award the Carron bid for $2,374.50. Mark Fiorentino seconded. Carried 5-0

The Board discussed the minutes from 04/30/2012. Jerry motioned to postpone approving the minutes until they can be edited and redone. Chairman Lovejoy seconded. Carried 5-0.

Sandy announced that the estimated increase for the county tax will be 8.75%. Mike Culver asked if the new back up has been put on the server yet. He was told it was not.

The Board discussed someone (either Police or Fire) having a key to all town owned buildings. Chairman Lovejoy motioned to go into non-public session under 91A for matters of Personnel and reputation. Mike Culver seconded. Carried 5-0.

Chairman Lovejoy did roll call.

Mike motioned to go back into public session. Jerry seconded. Carried 5-0. Chairman Lovejoy did roll

Chairman Lovejoy motioned to adopt the nepotism policy. Mike Culver seconded. Carried 5-0.

Mark motioned to adjourn. Chairman Lovejoy seconded. Carried 5-0.

Respectfully submitted,
April Hibberd
