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01/12/2022 Planning Board Hearing

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574

Planning Board Hearing


Public Notice

Wednesday, January 12, 2022



Hybrid Meeting In-Person/Zoom


The Bethlehem Planning Board will hold a public hearing at the Town Hall on Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. to receive public comment on proposed amendments to the Bethlehem Subdivision Regulations.

The proposed amendments include: numerous updates and nonsubstantive corrections, edits, and clarifications throughout the document; addition of Boundary Line Agreement to Section 3. Definitions and revised definitions for several terms; addition of off-site improvements to Section 4. General Provisions; addition of Notice of Decision details to Section 5. Subdivision Procedures; reorganization and additional details in Section 7. Plat Submission Requirements; in Section 8. Design Standards, strengthened stormwater and road standards including new section regarding maintenance responsibility for private roads, additional detail regarding monuments, and new sections on fire protection and flood hazard areas; and addition of inspection fees to Section 10. Performance Guarantees.

The public can participate in this hearing either in person or by Zoom videoconference by following the link found on the Town of Bethlehem website The complete text of the amendments is available for review on the Town website and in the Planning and Zoning Office at the Bethlehem Town Hall during regular business hours. Written comments may be submitted in advance of the hearing mailed to: Bethlehem Planning Board, P.O. Box 189, Bethlehem, NH 03574.