To the inhabitants of the Town of Bethlehem, New Hampshire, Grafton County in New Hampshire, qualified to vote in Town affairs:
You are hereby notified that the first session (deliberative session) of the annual meeting of the Town of Bethlehem will be held at Bethlehem Town Building Meeting Room located at 2155 Main St in Bethlehem on Monday February 3rd, 2025, at 6:00 pm. Warrant articles may be amended at this session per RSA 40:13, IV a, with the exception of Warrant Articles whose wording is prescribed by law and cannot be amended per RSA 40:13 a. Warrant Articles that are amended shall be placed on the official ballot for a final vote on the main motion as amended. (Please note that this meeting may be continued to Tuesday February 4th at the discretion of the Town Moderator).
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Meeting ID: 854 8539 1730
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You are further notified that the second session of the annual meeting (election day) of the Town of Bethlehem will be held at the Bethlehem Town Building Meeting Room on Tuesday, March 11th, 2025 at 8:00 am for the choice of town officers elected by official ballot, to vote on the questions required by law to be inserted on the official ballot, and to vote on all warrant articles from the first session on official ballot per RSA 40:13, VII. The polls for the election of town officers and other action required to be inserted on said ballot will open on said date at 8:00 am in the forenoon and will not close until 7:00 pm in the evening.
Absentee ballot processing will begin at 10am.