01/11/2022 ZB Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
6:00 PM
Present: Chair Andrea Bryant, Vice Chair David Van Houten, Shane MacElhiney, Patrick Doughty and Ruth Heintz.
Alternate: Martie Cook on ZOOM
Andrea Bryant opened the Hearing.
All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance
Andrea read the agenda.
Agenda item was cancelled for multifamily housing. David Brantley.
She opened the hearing for a special exception for Patrick and Pamela Keating 37 Ridgewood Lane.
Special exception request to put a manufactured home on a single lot. This request is not allowed without a special exception application. Manufactured homes are only allowed in a mobile home subdivision or park. In March of 2021 the town voted to have it allowed only with a special exception.
Ruth Heintz read the checklist and the board went over it.
They agreed that the answers were adequate. They meet the ordinance. However, the application was missing certain things that will become conditions on the approval.
Eric Raichle was present. He commented that he and his wife, Lori, are abutters. They have known the Keatings for many years; they expressed that the Keatings are an asset to the community. They have no objections.
Patrick Doughty motion to approve the checklist as complete for the Keating’s special exception with conditions. Andrea Bryant second. 5-0 carried
Mrs. Keating was asked to explain her request for a special exception. She is replacing her tiny home with a manufactured home. This special exception request is due to a new ordinance as of March of 2021. All manufactured homes need to apply for a special exception from the zoning board before they can put on a single lot. Manufactured mobile homes are still acceptable in mobile home parks and subdivisions in mobile home parks.
Mrs. Keating’s new home is being placed in the same area as the tiny home was.
Special Exception Criteria
The proposed use, structure, or change to a structure or use:
shall meet the requirements of the Bethlehem zoning ordinances and is consistent with the spirit and intent of the Bethlehem Master Plan.
Applicant: Yes, it will.
Patrick Doughty motion to approve. David Van Houten second. 5-0 carried
shall not negatively impact the health, safety, or general welfare of the neighborhood and/or the town, including but not limited to noise, odor, vibration, glare, hours of operation, traffic, lighting, runoff, and/or pollutants.
Applicant: No, it will not – house is not visible to others.
The board noted that the house is not seen from the road or neighbors.
Andrea Bryant motion to approve. David Van Houten second 5-0 carried
shall be compatible with the character of the neighborhood and the town and will not diminish or have a negative effect on property values.
Applicant: Will be compatible and will not have negative impacts.
Board discussed the property will most likely become higher in value.
Andrea Bryant motion to approve. Shane MacElhiney second 5-0 carried
shall not overload or result in an excessive demand on municipal services and/or facilities, including but not limited to schools, emergency services, water and sewage, waste disposal and road maintenance.
Applicant: No, it will not.
Patrick Doughty motion to approve. Ruth Heintz second. 5-0 carried.
A Special Exception can only be granted if the ZBA can determine that ALL CRITERA
have been met.
Patrick Doughty motion to approve Special Exception for manufactured home on a single lot with conditions: A new map needs to be supplied with location of home, setbacks and showing location of septic location. Ruth Heintz second. 5-0 carried
Close hearing
Minutes from 9-14-21
Dave Van Houten motion to approve 9-14-21 Andrea Bryant second. 6-0 carried
Next meeting April 12, 2022.
Shane MacElhiney motion to adjourn. Patrick Doughty second. 5-0 adjourned.
Respectfully submitted
Debra Bayley
Planning/zoning clerk