01/15/2024 SB Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Bethlehem Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
January 15th, 2023
In person –Chairman Morris, Selectman Strand, Selectman Hibberd, and Selectman Bruno.
Public Input- Brian Charland asked the board to consider putting Bing Clark, Joyce Tucker, and Don Lavoie on the cover of the 2024 annual report.
ARPA Funds- Chairman Morris opened discussion on the ARPA balance and recommended using $10,000 instead of having a warrant for the 250th anniversary. Chris Jensen encouraged the board to consider putting in a generator for the town building. Selectman Bruno agreed that it may be helpful but doubted the balance would support a project that large.
Selectman Bruno motioned to use $10,000 from ARPA funds for the 250th anniversary celebration instead of having a warrant. Selectman Hibberd seconded and all were in favor.
Tally Vote Town Meeting Warrants: The board decided not to take a tally vote on the Planning Board warrants 2-9. The select board voted 4-0 for articles 10 through 24. Articles 25 and 26 the board voted to support the warrant 3-1. Article 27, 28, and 29 the board voted in support 4-0. Article 30 the board voted to support 3-0 and selectman Bruno abstained. Articles 31 and 32 the board supported 4-0 and the board voted against the solar exemption 3-1. Article 34 was supported by the select board 4-0. The board voted to not recommend all petition warrant articles as had been done by prior boards. Selectman Hibberd suggested the board discuss further the Ambulance stipend recommending the board consider hiring a consultant for the department transition.
Assessing RFP Chairman Morris motioned to hire Commerford, Nieder & Perkins for assessing. Selectman Strand seconded and all were in favor.
Future Meeting Schedule The board decided to have meetings 1/29, Deliberative 2/5, 2/12, 2/26,3/11, and 3/18.
Annual Report Cover- The select board discussed the annual report cover. It was decided to have a photo contest with a picture being chosen during the meeting on 1/29 and add an “In Memoriam” section that honors town volunteers.
Minutes 1/8/2024 The minutes were postponed until the next meeting.
Liaison/Committee Update Selectman Strand updated the board that the Transfer Station Committee is recommending withdrawing the USDA grant because the amount being awarded is not as significant as in the past.
Chairman Morris motioned to withdraw the USDA grant. Selectman Strand seconded and all were in favor.
Non-public Session per RSA 91A-3 II (personnel, reputation, and legal) Chairman Morris made a motion to go into non-public for reasons of personnel. Selectman Strand seconded and roll call followed.
P.D. personnel was discussed
Chairman Morris made a motion to adjourn at 8:30. Selectman Strand seconded, and all were in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Moritz
Town Administrator