01/16/2023 SB Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Bethlehem Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
January 16, 2023
In person – Select person Hibberd, Select person Jensen, and Select person Morris
Budget Hearing Continued 6:00- Select person Hibberd re-opened the budget hearing at 6:00. Select person Hibberd introduced the pool warrant and there was discussion regarding posting the total cost of the project or the amount that needs to be raised after using $100,000 from the Rec revolving fund. Both Chairman Caplain and Select person Queiroga communicated that they preferred to post the total amount of the project ($500,000) and the board agreed. Select person Hibberd introduced the Police Revolving fund warrant.
Select person Morris made a motion to recommend the Pool Warrant and the Police Special Detail Revolving Fund. Select person Hibberd Seconded.
There was discussion regarding the Pool warrant. Select person Hibberd noted she felt there are more important projects in town that require funding however she felt it is important for the voters to decide. Select person Jensen agreed that the voters should decide noting the pool shouldn’t be operating the way it is however it is expensive to fix.
The vote Carried.
Chairman Caplain and Select person Queiroga were opposed to the Pool Warrant but in favor of the Police Special Detail Revolving Fund.
Select person Hibberd introduced Petition Warrant to make Upper Valley Road a town road. There was discussion by the board, and it was decided to continue to not recommend all petition warrant article which has been the Select Board long standing position.
Select person Morris made a motion to not recommend any of the petition warrant articles. Select person Jensen seconded and all were in favor.
Select person Morris introduced the proposed Planning and Zoning Amendments. Select person Morris noted the Planning and Zoning boards have gone through an extensive process to amend the ordinances. The intent of the proposed Planning and Zoning warrants has been to be as non-controversial as possible while correcting the language and amending the ordinances with current state regulations. Select person Morris discussed the importance of the second Planning and Zoning warrant on flood plains which updates language and definitions that are required by the federal government to participate in the Nation Flood Insurance. Select person Morris gave a brief description of remaining Planning and Zoning warrants. Select person Jensen commented on the amount of work the Planning and Zoning board has done along with Tara Bamford to prepare the warrants.
Select person Jensen made a motion to recommend the Planning and Zoning warrants. Select person Hibberd seconded and all were in favor.
Select person Hibberd closed the Budget hearing at 6:51.
Public Input- Marline Walsh asked for clarification on the Nation Flood insurance asking if everyone was eligible. Select person Morris explained everyone would be eligible assuming the town votes to amend the current flood plain.
Transfer Station Committee Proposals- Select person Jensen updated the board with the Transfer Station Committee’s recommendation regarding the two engineering companies that submitted proposals for the transfer station work. The Transfer Station Committee recommended accepting Aries Engineering proposal because Aries submitted the lowest, responsible bid, both as to price and its prior good work and working relationship with the Town.
Select person Jensen made a motion to accept Aries Engineering proposal. Select person Hibberd seconded and all were in favor.
Marline Walsh asked when the current transfer station is closing. Select person Jensen replied it is supposed to close 2026 and the new transfer station will be pay as you go. Select person Morris said they are looking into donating the pay as you through bags to those who will need them. Details of the transfer station have not been decided but the Transfer Station Committee will take into consideration
Food Pantry Shed- Select person Hibberd opened discussion regarding adding a Food Pantry Shed to make restocking and storage more convenient. Select person Morris suggested having an assessment of Municipal properties to have a better idea of future storage needs. It was decided to table the Food Pantry Shed until a further date.
Election Officials Legal coverage- The Select board discussed election officials receiving the towns legal council if the need arose. It was decided to postpone a motion until the legal council could advise on language.
Minutes –1/9/2023- Select person Hibberd made a motion to accept the minutes from January 9th. Select person Jensen seconded and all were in favor.
Non-public Session per RSA 91A-3 II (personnel, reputation, and legal)
Select person Hibberd made a motion to go into non-public per RSA-91A-3 for reasons of reputation. Select person Morris seconded and roll call followed.
Select person Hibberd made a motion to adjourn 8:30 pm Select person Morris seconded, and all were in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Moritz
Administrative assistant