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01/24/2023 SB Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574

Bethlehem Board of Selectmen

Meeting Minutes

January 24, 2023

In person –Chairman Caplain, Select person Hibberd, Select person Jensen, Select person Queiroga and Select person Morris

Little Free Food Pantry- Select person Hibberd opened the discussion regarding the people found sleeping in the Little Free Food Pantry.  Select person Hibberd explained many Little Food Pantry’s are smaller than the shed and recommended adding a smaller hanging structurer on the outside that people could utilize at any time and locking the shed for certain hours.  Select person Jensen asked if this was a singular event.  Select person Hibberd said this was not the first time we have had an issue with people sleeping in the food pantry.  Dawn Ferringo, Welfare Director, said that Chief DeMoranville had told her of other instances where people were found sleeping in the food pantry.  Select person Morris asked how many people were found sleeping in the entrance of the town building.  Select person Jensen stated that there could potentially be examples of unintended consequences however the overall benefit of having the pantry should remain as it was intended and be the priority.  Select person Morris noted that the Little Food Pantry was intended to be always available, and it would be in the best interest of to remain maintaining as is.  Select person Queiroga recommended adjusting the interior of the Little Food Pantry so it would not be possible to sleep in the space.  Bob Lafleur, who donated the shed to Bethlehem, would prefer to keep availability to the Little food Pantry open 24 hours a day.  Mr. Lafleur recommended putting up notices informing people that it is not allowed to sleep in the pantry.  The board discussed adding literature to the pantry on the services that are available and adding a No Loitering sign on the outside.

Housing Stipend-Chairman Caplain introduced Dawn Ferringo, Welfare Director, to go over the housing stipend.

Select person Morris made a motion to approve the proposed welfare allowances pending the corrections for housing and utilities.  Select person Queiroga seconded and all were in favor. 

Bike Friendly Community Certificate- Chairman Caplain presented the certificate that was awarded to Bethlehem, Littleton, and Franconia (Tri Town Bicyclists) from the League of American Bicyclists.  Tri Town Bicyclists were congratulated on their efforts making Bethlehem a recognized bike friendly community.

NH HOP Contract- Chairman Caplain introduced the contract for the NH HOP.

Chairman Caplain made a motion to enter into the contract with NH HOP.  Select person Hibberd seconded all were in favor. 

Select Board Follow up- Chairman Caplain opened the discussion on follow up and updated the list with completed items.  The board discussed having an additional meeting regarding ARPA funds after Deliberative.  A meeting was requested with Select person Morris, Select person Queiroga, Fire Chief Anderson, and Police Chief DeMoranville regarding future planning of a new emergency services facility.

Minutes –1/16/2023 Select person Hibberd made a motion to accept the minutes from 1/16/2023.  Select person Jensen seconded and all were in favor. 

Other- Select person Hibberd introduced the proposed warrant to lease a fire truck.  There was discussion from the board regarding different options and it was decided to go with the recommended wording of the warrant from DRA and legal counsel.  Nancy Strand asked the board if there would be an opportunity to sell the old fire truck.  There was discussion regarding if the deposit for the fire truck would be allocated before the March election and it was clarified that it would not be paid until after the vote.

Chairman Caplain made a motion to recommend the warrant for the Fire Truck.  Select person Hibberd seconded, Select person Queiroga and Jensen were in favor.  Select person Morris was opposed. 

Select person Hibberd made a motion to rescind petition articles, pool, and police.  Select person Morris seconded the motion.  Select person Hibberd, Select person Morris, and Select person Jensen were all in favor.  Chairman Caplain and Select person Queiroga abstained.

Chairman Caplain made a motion to not recommend all petition warrant articles.  Select person Hibberd seconded and all were in favor.

Select person Morris made a motion for the select board to recommend the pool warrant.  Select person Hibberd seconded and Select person Jensen was in favor.  Chairman Caplain and Select person Queiroga were opposed. 

Select person Queiroga made a motion to recommend the police revolving fund warrant.  Chairman Caplain seconded, and all were in favor. 

Select person Morris made a motion to recommend renaming the town forest warrant.  Chairman Caplain seconded, and all were in favor.

Chairman Caplain made a motion to appoint Mary Moritz Alternate Deputy Town Clerk for the purpose of accepting candidate registrations from 1/25/2023 to 2/3/2023.  Select person Morris seconded and all were in favor. 

Chairman Caplain updated the board regarding Safe Rides to School being awarded $419,000 from Department of Transportation to create bike paths from all Bethlehem school.  The grant will include bridge lighting on Profile Road.

Chairman Caplain made a motion to be the fiscal sponsor to Angela McShane Safe Rides to School program that has been ear marked from Representative Kuster.  Select person Hibberd seconded and all were in favor. 

Chairman Caplain made a motion to adjourn at 8:00pm.  Select person Hibberd seconded and all were in favor. 

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Moritz

Administrative assistant