01/28/2021 CC Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Bethlehem Conservation Commission
January 28, 2021
Zoom Meeting
Present: Cheryl Jensen, Lindsay Webb, Linda Moore, Nicole McGrath, Vivian Winterhoff, Margaret Gale
Alternate Marilyn Johnson
Guests: Barry Zitser
Lindsay called meeting to order at 6:02 pm.
The BCC reviewed the minutes of November 19, 2020. Cheryl motioned to accept the minutes, Linda seconded, motion passed 5-0-1, Margaret abstained.
Lindsay motioned that Margaret become the treasurer again, Linda seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report:
Margaret gave the treasurer’s report, as of the end of 2020 there was $14,913. 94 in savings account, and a zero balance in our Town account. There was discussion on how a delayed town meeting will affect the paying of our NHACC Dues. Linda clarified that we can pay the dues as they are a typical expense, however we can’t expend funds on anything new or unanticipated.
- 11/23/2020: NHDES Request for More Information: Dalton Landfill Wetland Permit
- 11/25/2020: NHDES Request for More Information: AHEAD Project Alt. of Terrain Permit
- 12/1/2020: Horizons Engineering for Omni: Response to NHDES Request for more info
- 12/7/2020: NHDES Wetland Permit and Conditions for Rudarpa (Natural Gas at NCES)
- 12/28/2020: NHDES Forestry Wetland Permit Notification 2020-03184
- 1/15/2021: Dalton Landfill Wetland Response to NHDES Request for More Information
The BCC reviewed the mailbag items. There was discussion on the amended wetland permit for AHEAD 205-255. The BCC did not get a response to the comments sent to the DES regarding the letter of deficiency that was received in the fall. Margaret will contact ACT to see if they hold the conservation easement on the property. The BCC sent a letter in August to ACT in regards to this concern but did not hear anything back. Margaret asked about the BCC stance on the Dalton Landfill, Lindsay said we sent a letter of concern regarding the permit application.
Old Business:
There was discussion on the possible wetlands’ violations on a Main Street property. It was hard to tell from photos if a violation had occurred. Lindsay looked into the DES complaint form, you can submit a complaint anonymously on the DES website, we can give this link to anyone with concerns. There was digging but it was unclear if there were any wetlands impacts. Margaret asked a few questions about the complaint and what was done so far. If there are additional concerns, we will encourage them to file an anonymous complaint with DES.
Annual Report:
The BCC reviewed the draft annual report write up. Deadline for report is the first Friday in February. A few minor corrections were made to the write up. There were questions on the trail map brochure and linking it to the website. Nicole will check to see if it is on the new website if not, she will link it. Cheryl motioned to approve the summary report with the minor corrections, Linda seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Roadside Clean-Up:
Discussion on the roadside clean up and if the BCC should proceed with a more traditional roadside clean up this year, following covid guidelines, and without the gathering afterwards. Review of supplies and what we may need if we go forward with the cleanup. Vivian offered to donate gloves to the cleanup if needed. Briefly discussed the citizen group that has formed to pick up litter throughout Town. It was decided it was too soon to make a decision and it will be revisited at a later date.
Other/New Business: None
Public Comment: Barry gave an updated of the preliminary injunction that the Conservation Law Foundation filed to prevent the collection of waste as part of the stage VI expansion. The Conservation Law Foundation has also filed an appeal against the stage VI approval. NCES has publicly stated that they will continue at their own risk until the decision on the appeal can be reached, which is why the conservation law foundation filed the injunction. If a temporary stay is granted it would release NCES from their obligation to provide curbside trash and recycling pick up in Bethlehem.
Barry attended a NCES virtual tour of a single stream facility. He gave an overview of the tour and an overview of the Sustainability Report.
Cheryl and Linda’s terms expire in April 2021. Term appointments will be added to the February agenda. Margaret shared that there will be a bill hearing on Feb. 3 having to do with the exclusion of landfills within 2 miles of state parks. If you want more information you can contact Cheryl or Margaret. It is HB 177.
Vivian noticed that in a previous set of minutes there is reference to a Gia GPS app and it should be should be Gaia, Vivian will see if she can get slides to share with the rest of the BCC from the NHACC virtual conference.
Barry shared that the transfer station committee is working on a publication called Just Be Greener with tips on sustainability, recycling, etc. Cheryl asked if she can add things to the Facebook page on occasion to get more interest. She also shared that she has been bringing her compost to Meadow Stone farm.
Cheryl made a motion that we adjourn at 7:08, Margaret seconded, Motion passed Unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 7:08pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Nicole McGrath, Secretary
Next Meetings: 6pm (Location TBD or Zoom)
February 25, 2021
March 25, 2021
April 22, 2021