02/10/2021 PB Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Planning Board
February 10, 2021
6 p.m.
Town Hall: Chris McGrath, Kevin Roy, and Kim Koprowski
alternates: Peter Roy and Anthony Rodrigues
Remote: Mike Bruno, Marie Stevenson, and Chris Jensen
Excused absence: Chair Johnathan Stevenson
Vice Chair Mr. Bruno opened the meeting at 6:00
He asked Anthony Rodrigues to become a board member for the evening.
Pledge of Allegiance
Open Hydro Lane Conceptual
Chris McGrath spoke on behalf of a proposed camping area. His neighbor Don Bonome purchased land at auction from the town 6 or 7 years ago. The 3.71-acre lot is located on Hydro Lane. He noted that there is currently a gun shop, air bnb and campers on that road. The plan is to house 4 or 5 campers all summer. There will be a state approved septic and a drilled well and a bear proof dumpster.
Marie Stevenson asked about campers 40ft. and over being able to turn around. Mr. McGrath said that there is a plan for a cul-de-sac. Mr. Bruno asked about state permits for any construction setbacks from the river. Mr. McGrath said they are working with DES. Will it stay a private road? Asked Marie Stevenson. Mr. McGrath: It would require 25 signatures and a town vote to change it.
Closed Conceptual Hydro Lane
Minutes from January 13, 2021.
Chris McGrath motion to approve minutes from January 13, 2021. Mr. Bruno second. 5-2 Chris Jensen and Marie Stevenson abstained
Board Business
Town report needs to be done for the planning board. Johnny Stevenson will be putting together the Planning Board portion. Mr. McGrath wants included in the PB portion that the Planning Board met in person during Covid. He wants to thank the Select Board for purchasing a meeting owl.
Closed board business.
Open Happy Girls conceptual
Gardner Kellogg spoke on the project. The Highland INN on Valley Road is for sale. The owners would like to due a minor subdivision. By dividing a 101.98-acre parcel into two. Parcel #1 with the Inn becoming 80.45 acres and parcel #2 becoming 21.53 acres.
The board express how clean cut the plan was. Mr. Bruno asked about the water and PSNH easement. Mr. Kellogg explained that it will be part of the deed.
The was no public input.
Planning Board Hearing for the minor sub application will be on February 24, 2021.
Closed Happy Girl conceptual
Open more board business.
Due to the elections being postponed till June/July current board members were asked to extend their term. Mr. McGrath is not seeking reelection and explained that he will be very busy and will not be able to be at every meeting. Marie Stevenson will not be seeking reelection she will be retiring.
Mr. Bruno motion to adjourn. Anthony Rodrigues second. 7-0 passed.
Respectfully submitted.
Deb Bayley P/Z Clerk