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02/14/2022 SB Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574

Bethlehem Board of Selectmen

Meeting Minutes

February 14, 2022


In person – Chairman Caplain, Selectman Hibberd, Selectman Jensen, Selectman Morris. Absent: Selectman Boisseau.

Chairman Caplain opened the meeting at 6:01 pm and reminded people to leave their microphones on mute.  He continued to remind in person participants to use the microphone so Zoom participants can hear


Public Input: none


Northeast Resource Recovery Association: Barry Zitser asked board to pledge support of project. The project is covered under a USDA grant. 4-month program starts in April. Allows town to recycle more and better.  Interested towns need to formally pledge to document for grant supervisors at USDA. Mr. Zitser asked the select board to notify NRRA of town’s interest and authorize transfer committee or conservation committee to pass along information. The program saves town and residents money and enhances environmental savings. It is a free program, no downside. Chairman Caplain – no cost, no downside in his opinion.

Selectman Jensen made a motion for the town to endorse and adopt NRRA program – Selectman Hibberd seconded – roll call – all less Selectman Boisseau – motion passed

Selectman Morris made a motion to make transfer station committee and conservation committee authorized representatives for town to speak with NRRA – Selectman Jensen seconded – roll call – all less selectman Boisseau – motion passed.

Selectman Jensen will draft short letter and attach minutes


Energy Commission – add committee member

Chairman Caplain – 1 member taking leave of absence after retirement – Scott Caisse would like to take spot.

Chairman Caplain made a motion to appoint Scott Caisse to energy commission – Selectman Morris – second – roll call – all less Selectman Boisseau – motion passed.


Starlink – potential alternative for internet service

Chairman Caplain – Elon Musk company, Starlink – beta testing in area sign up now. Alternative internet access.


Conservation Commission – representation on the Ammonoosuc River Local Advisory Committee (LAC).

Selectman Morris – conservation commission, planning board, and select board all got contacted to say we can add more members to LAC – offers different perspectives to LAC from each board – makes sense to add 1 candidate from each board to diversify opinions – candidates come to select board and select board moves to add members – the board discussed posting the open position. Tim Fleury will circulate to planning and conservation commission to avoid duplicating efforts.


Abatement – 415-104 – property listed as campsite when should have been listed as having campers on it – recommendation of assessor to abate $6,579.29 – listed as $265,400 should have been $20,100

Selectman Morris made a motion to abate taxes on property 415-104 for $6579.27 to reflect correct assessment of $20,000 – Selectman Hibberd seconded – roll call all less selectman Boisseau – motion passed.


Tech needs capital expenses –

Tim Fleury described needs of meeting room audio to clean up sound and look of room  -Selectman Morris –  possible use of ARPA funds – move forward with looking into it.


Minutes – 01/31/2022

Selectman Hibberd made a motion to accept minutes from 1/31/2022, Selectman Morris seconded – roll call – all less Selectman Boisseau – motion passed.


Other/Follow up from the board

Selectman Morris – request from forest society rebuild – put in for grant few weeks ago, need letter of support prior to March 1st – letter from board supporting continued reconstruction and recognizing overall educational impact and economic impact of Rock’s Estate – will send over draft of what letter needs to contain – Chairman Caplain – would love to work with Rocks to bring more traffic there and to town – combine efforts of marketing team – Selectman Jensen – good idea to bring up PILOT agreement again.

Selectman Jensen – supportive of society but pay taxes based on PILOT agreement and not actual assessment.

Selectman Morris – PILOT agreement – Selectman Hibberd – looked at it years ago and based it on taxable property versus non-taxable property. The property has changed now. Selectman Morris – the state is recalculating education funding, anything to increase meal revenue adds to education funding.

Selectman Hibberd – little free pantry updates – Selectman Jensen – crew working on pantry construction had to focus on own business but are back to pantry construction.

Selectman Hibberd – after election discussion to ARPA funds – public hearing

Selectman Hibberd – storage for town – Chief DeMoranville has a storage issue at station, evidence overflowing – no secure storage space other than offices – shipping container available at town garage that can be cleared out – old wooden chairs from town hall, library shelves, room in area to add another container. The board discussed storage needs of departments and possible solutions. Suggested getting a storage container for the short term and addressing long term needs with research.

Selectman Jensen – copy of letter from 5 legislators sent to DOT – repeated concerns from board regarding proposed trucking route for proposed Dalton landfill. Selectman Jensen suggested drafting a thank you to legislators and forward to DES for record.


At 6:51pm Chairman Caplain made a motion to go into non-public session per RSA 91A-3 II (personnel, legal) – Selectman Hibberd seconded – roll call – all less Selectman Boisseau – motion passed.

Board discussed rec hire

 Selectman Morris – made a motion to hire SC at $16/hr. as summer supervisor for little kids’ camp – Chairman Caplain – seconded – roll call – all less Selectman Boisseau – motion passed.

Board discussed repayment on property – more information needed before moving forward.

Board discussed arbitration on abatement.

Selectman Jensen made a motion to discontinue the pilot program with 2 code enforcement and building inspectors. – Selectman Hibberd seconded – roll call – all less Selectman Boisseau – motion passed.

Selectman Hibberd made a motion to hire Peter Duguay as building inspector and code enforcement officer and Travis Greenlaw as deputy building inspector and deputy code enforcement officer pending Primex approval – Selectman Jensen – seconded – roll call – all less Selectman Boisseau – motion passed.

Board discussed code officer/building inspector position.

Chairman Caplain made a motion to adjourn at 7:50 – Selectman Jensen seconded – roll call – all – less Selectman Boisseau – motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Tim Fleury

Administrative assistant