02/24/2021 PB Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Planning Board
February 24, 2021
6 p.m.
Town Hall: Chris McGrath, Anthony Rodrigues, and Mike Bruno
alternates: Peter Roy and Anthony Rodrigues
Remote: Chris Jensen, Peter Roy, Johnathan Stevenson and Kim Koprowski
Excused absence: Marie Stevenson and Kevin Roy
Chair Stevenson opened the meeting at 6:00
He asked Anthony Rodrigues and Peter Roy to become board members for the evening.
Pledge of Allegiance
Happy Girls LLC / The Highlander Minor Subdivision Hearing
Mr. Bruno motion to accept the checklist as complete. Mr. McGrath second. 7-0 passed.
Gardner Kellogg architect for the project explained that the Highland INN on Valley Road is for sale. The owners would like to divide their 101.98-acre parcel into two. Parcel #1 with the Inn becoming 80.45 acres and parcel #2 becoming 21.53 acres.
The board expressed how clean cut the plan was. Mr. Bruno asked about the water and PSNH easement. Mr. Kellogg explained that it will be part of the deed.
There was no public comment.
Mr. McGrath motion to approve the minor subdivision for the Highlander. Mr. Bruno second. 7-0 passed.
Closed hearing for Happy Girls LLC
Open conceptual plan for Presidential Mountain Resort
Kurt Bryron from Eckman Engineering explained that Mr. Yitz Rudich owner of the PMR would like to build on the approved Hilton Site Plan area, across the street from the current Presidential Mountain Resort cabins. David Eckman explained that the Hilton was just too costly and the return on the project was just not there. Our client, Yitz Rudich, Presidential Mountain Resort, wishes to expand the Presidential Mountain Resort campground off of Route 302 (Main Street).
The existing approval for the northern parcel was for a Hilton Hotel which would require an investment of $20 million, however the performer did not work and therefore from a business standpoint it is not feasible.
Better to have a successful project and the existing Presidential Mountain Resort has been very successful with what is called the 24′ x 28′ rosewood style, Amish prefabricated cabins with a high demand for the more rural locations.
With this said, our client proposes the following:
- Phase I of this work would involve the installation of 12 cabin units identical to those previously installed on Lot 28 across Route 302
- No work is proposed in the shoreline area as the work will be on the opposite side of Route 302 from Baker Pond.
- Additionally, existing parking shall remain in place with resurfacing and new landscaping.
- Required utilities on site include onsite septic, village district water and underground electric.
The intent is to follow the so-called road to the trout pond with plans to construct a loop road in the future with a maximum buildout of 36 +/- cabin units in the future. Please note that only 12 units are proposed at this time which involves minimal construction cost.
Mr. Rudich and Mr. Eckman met with Jack Anderson (Fire Chief) and Dave Willey (Code Enforcement) to discuss this proposed option earlier this month.
Mr. Eckman spoke about a phase two down the line, with more cabins and a new hydrant and a stanchion bridge and a possible turn around for the fire equipment.
Mr. Bruno asked if they are considering a crosswalk. Mr. Eckman: They are in contact with DOT. Possibly a yellow light and slower speed signs also.
Mr. Bruno: There are two cut outs are they going to stay for accessing 302? Yes, that is the established parking area. Mr. Bruno: on the Easterly boundary do you plan on buffering the neighbor with landscaping? Mr. Eckman: We will add that to the Site Plan application.
Mr. Jensen suggested that the board hire a professional planner, such as Tara Bamford for the project for phase 2. He would like to know the wetland impact. Mr. Eckman: less than before. (Hilton project) about 1500 sq’.
Mr. Stevenson agreed with Mr. Jensen regarding a professional planner. Planning Board needs to determine in phase 2 if a professional planner is necessary. The applicate will be responsible for all costs involved in the Site Plan Review process if a professional planner is needed. Mr. McGrath would like to remind the board that there is no application in front of them to vote on. This is only phase one. Kim Koprowski, Chris Jensen and Peter Roy all agree with Mr. McGrath. Peter Roy: the Hilton approval was not handled by a professional planner. Mr. Jensen will wait for phase 2 to discuss a professional planner.
Closed Presidential Mountain Resort Conceptual
Minutes from February 10, 2021
Mr. McGrath motion to approve minutes from Feb. 10, 2021. Mr. Bruno second.
5-2 passed Johnny Stevenson and Peter Roy abstained
Conceptual discussion
Mr. McGrath motion to allow lot line adjustments and minor subdivisions exempt from the conceptual requirement. Peter Roy second 7-0 passed
Next meeting March 10, 2021.
Mr. Bruno motion to adjourn. Anthony Rodrigues second. 7-0 passed.
Respectfully submitted.
Deb Bayley P/Z Clerk