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03/07/2023 EC Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574

Bethlehem Energy Commission

MINUTES from Tuesday March 7th, 2023


Attending: Chuck Phillips, Dan Crosby, Scott Caisse, David Van Houten, Bruce Caplain; Melissa Elander and Gabe Chilius of Clean Energy NH.



Mission: The Bethlehem Energy Commission encourages and supports economically and environmentally sensible energy practices in Bethlehem, NH.

Minutes from February meeting David made motion to accept, Chuck seconded motion. 4-0 yes.


Public Input: Energy committee member from Franconia in attendance. Rachelle Lyons from Plymouth State University discussed the possibility of getting some of her students involved with the BEC to help with future projects. Tiffany and Alexander Graziano of Bethlehem were in attendance and discussed the possibility of coming to future meetings and helping out the BEC.


Sustainability Working Group: The select board approved the formation of a town Sustainability Working Group. The group would like a BEC member to take part, Dan offered to be that member.


Town Solar Project: The BES installation passed inspection last week, so now both BES and the highway department installations are waiting on Eversource.


Village District: There is a warrant article meeting for the Wastewater Treatment Plant solar array on Tuesday March 14th. David and Bruce to verify the wording of this article. Friday March 17th @ 7PM is the vote at BES.


Residential & Commercial Solar, Solarize Main Street: Bruce discussed the idea of PMR hosting an array that could power business that can’t install solar on their properties. The possibility of pursuing a REAP grant for this project was brought up as a better choice with our current timeframe than looking at Congressionally Directed Spending.


Solar Tax Exemption: A goal was set to have a new Solar Tax Exemption drafted by this fall to be included in 2024 warrant articles


Heat Pumps for Town Hall: David received a quote for $60k to $70k for Town Hall Heat Pumps. It was decided that this project should be postponed.


EV Chargers, Bus drive-in: David received a rough price of $300k to have two DC Fast Chargers installed in parking spots by the town pool. EV bus demo scheduled for Thursday March 23rd, Bruce to forward info to the SAU to distribute.


Rambling Woods: No change, maintenance and tax concerns still being evaluated.


Grafton County: County is open to giving money to towns, however Federal ARPA fund guidance does not explicitly include solar.


Everything Else: Community Power was brought up, but is not something the BEC wants to pursue near-term.

Next Meeting Date: Tuesday April 4th, 6PM at the Bethlehem Library. Scott Caisse to Chair.


Adjourn at 7:30PM





Bethlehem Energy Commission (BEC) is appointed by the Select Board. All meetings are open to the public.  Clerical Assistant Nicole McGrath ensures that BEC meeting notices, agendas, and minutes are posted as they become available.


To find BEC info go to:

-go to government tab

-our committee is listed under the: boards and committees tab

-our meetings are posted through Nicole on: agendas and minutes tab


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