03/10/2021 PB Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Planning Board
March 10, 2021
6 p.m.
Town Hall: Johnathan Stevenson, Chris McGrath, Anthony Rodrigues, and Mike Bruno
alternates: Peter Roy and Anthony Rodrigues
Remote: Chris Jensen, Peter Roy, Kim Koprowski, and Marie Stevenson
Excused absence: Kevin Roy
Chair Stevenson opened the meeting at 6:00
He asked Peter Roy to become a board member for the evening.
Pledge of Allegiance
Adair Conceptual
The owners Cathy and Joel Bedor from the Adair Inn want to build 35 to 40 townhouses on their 202-acre site.
The land is owned by Mr. Bedor and realtor Andy Smith described the project for the board. Each condo would be one and one-half stories and have 1,100 to 1,200 square feet.
The development would have its own water and sewage systems and a condominium association would handle road maintenance.
Ideally, construction would begin this year and continue over three to five years.
The price would be around $350,000 and many buyers are expected to be 55 and older.
The only entrance to the property would be Guider Lane off U.S. 302.
About 120 acres of the property would remain open space.
Kim Koprowski asked about lighting. There will be no significant lighting to the highway. Each unit will have porch lights. The roads will be paved with underground wiring. Mr. Smith said each unit will be on an 80,000 sq. ft’ lot; with no lot line and unlimited common area. Mr. Bruno asked about the style of houses. Cape style Mr. Smith answered. They would like to finish 4-5 houses this year.
A formal application seeking approval has yet to be made to the planning board.
There was no public comment.
Closed conceptual for ADAIR Country Inn
Open conceptual: Camp Trudeau Greenhouse
Anthony Rodrigues explained to the board that he and his wife would like open a greenhouse on their property on Trudeau Road. He will become the volunteer helper. His wife will be the owner. Perennials will be sold from May – September. Wednesday – Saturday. 3-8 cars can easily be managed on the property. Mr. Bruno asked if he thought that was adequate parking. Mr. Rodrigues: with the help of orange cones and him directing he would be able to handle it.
Mr. McGrath motion to waive Site Plan for Camp Trudeau Greenhouse. Mr. Bruno second 7-0 passed
Minutes from February 24, 2021
Chris McGrath motion to approve minutes from 2-24-21. Peter Roy second.
7-0 passed.
Mr. McGrath expressed interest in an email that he sent out to the board regarding short term rentals. Jefferson NH Ordinance.
Kim Koprowski and Marie Stevenson attended the open house for the AHEAD project at Lloyds Hill. They both agreed that the units are very nice.
Mike Bruno and Johnny Stevenson discussed having Tara Bamford professional planner involved in the ADAIR project. She is in attendance tonight. This is the first condo development that this board has seen. With little to no experience with such a big project they wanted her to be there from the beginning. Mr. Jensen agreed that having Tara is a great idea.
Next meeting March 24, 2021
Marie Stevenson motion to adjourn. Mr. Bruno second. 7-0 adjourned
Respectfully submitted.
Deb Bayley P/Z Clerk