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03/11/2024 SB Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574

Bethlehem Board of Selectmen

Meeting Minutes

March 11th, 2024

In person –Chairman Morris, Selectman Strand, Selectman Hibberd, Selectman Caplain, and Selectman Bruno.

Public Input-no public input

Bravo Award April and Paul- Chairman Morris thanked April and Paul Nandico for their incredible generosity providing beautifully homemade goods to residents of Bethlehem.  Chairman Morris continued that neither April or Paul sought recognition however the select board explained their acts of kindness are the epitome of why the Bravo award was created and wanted to express the town’s gratitude.  Mr. and Mrs. Nandico explained they wanted residents to feel loved and that they mattered.  Allegra Wright thanked Mr. and Mrs. Nandico for their kindness and generosity.

Minutes 2/26- Selectman Bruno asked to amend the minutes to reflect that he had asked Selectman Caplain to first see if businesses would be interested in the donated EV charger.

Selectman Caplain moved to accept the minutes as amended. Selectman Strand seconded and all were in favor. 

Pam Sullivan Sign- Chairman Morris moved to accept Pam Sullivan’s sign permit.  Selectman Hibberd seconded and all were in favor. 

Other- Selectman Caplain asked the board to send two to three members to the Energy Summit that will be held at the Rocks Estate and the board agreed.

Selectman Caplain made a motion to send up to three members of the Energy Commission to the Energy Summit to be paid from ARPA funds.  Selectman Strand seconded and all were in favor. 

Selectman Caplain continued that New Hampshire Clean Energy is doing assessments for municipal emergency backup systems for police and fire departments and thought Bethlehem should utilize the opportunity.  Selectman Caplain also updated the board that they investigated the three locations that had been identified for the EV charging station and the Maple Street parking by the pool would be the best.  He continued the cost to add the necessary infrastructure would be between $15,000 and $20,000.

Selectman Strand updated the board that she has been investigating Safe Streets 4 all grant for the sidewalk from the elementary to the town building.  The board discussed asking the SAU and Library for letters of support if the town submits for a Planning and Demonstration grant.

Selectman Hibberd updated the board on the $15,000 grant that was awarded for the food pantry and thanked Dawn Ferringo, Direct Assistance, for her work to complete the upgrade.

Selectman Bruno updated the board that the Planning Board is going to be holding a working session to better understand the process of the ordinance changes from 2023 and proposed 2024 changes.  The planning board will be working with Kaela Tavares from North Country Counsel which will include a mock application to go through the entire process.

Non-public Session per RSA 91A-3 II (personnel, reputation, and legal) Chairman Morris made a motion to go into non-public for reasons of legal. Selectman Strand seconded and roll call followed.

The board discussed legal.

Chairman Morris made a motion to adjourn at 7:00. Selectman Strand seconded, and all were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Moritz

Town Administrator