03/16/2021 EC Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Bethlehem Energy Commission
MINUTES of March 16, 2021 Online meeting
The Bethlehem Energy Commission was established for the study and planning of energy resources for the town. The commission will evaluate existing energy usage in the town and suggest possible improvements in energy efficiency and conservation, as well as potential clean renewable energy solutions in order to reduce expenses and increase self-reliance.
Attending: David Van Houten, Josiah Chamberlain, Mark Koprowski, Mary Lou Krambeer; Bruce Caplain (representative from the Selectboard). Public: Barry Zeitzer, Melissa Elander.
This is in addition to our regular monthly meeting so that we can stay on top of the solar project timeline. If there is time, we may take up other business.
Approve minutes: Dan makes motion to approve, Josiah, seconded, all approved.
Financial Assessment Pod update: Josiah, David and Mark spent a lot of time reviewing costs and savings and electric rates.
BES report: David and Josiah attended Bethlehem Elementary School to present the solar project. Presentation was well received, the board was very supportive. In the future we will figure out how the town and school will split the costs and savings.
PR Pod update: waiting to hear on NEGEF grant. Melissa has sketched out a story board. She and Mary Lou also intend to meet with a videographer.
Warrant article – we need a few more pieces of financial information prior to finishing the wording of the revised article.
Next steps
David -go to BES meeting
Mary Lou & Melissa – PR
Bruce – look into financing options for warrant article; will also investigate RR right-of-way
Josiah – will also investigate RR right-of-way
Dan – will look at BES PP presentation
Agenda items for next meeting:
Bethlehem Solar Project updates, EV chargers, solar pool heater, Village District report
Next meeting date: Tuesday April 6, 6:00pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 821 8853 5686
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Bethlehem Energy Commission (BEC) is appointed by the Select Board. All meetings are open to the public.
Clerical Assistant Nicole McGrath ensures that BEC meeting notices, agendas, and minutes are posted as necessary.
To find BEC info go to: www.bethlehemnh.org
-go to government tab
-our committee is listed under: boards and committees tab
-our meetings are posted through Nicole on: agendas and minutes tab
(Nicole also posts a hard copy of meeting notices in the Town Hall and at the post office.)