03/20/2024 CC Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Bethlehem Conservation Commission
March 20, 2024
Bethlehem Public Library
The meeting opened at 5:02 p.m.
Attendees: Cheryl Jensen, Rachelle Lyons, Betsey Phillips, Margaret Gale, Vivian Winterhoff, Ivan Ash and select board liaison Veronica Morris. Chris Jensen (alternate). Minutes by Chris Jensen
The minutes from Feb. 28th were reviewed. Ms. Jensen made a motion to approve. It was seconded by Ms. Winterhoff and unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Ms. Gale provided the treasurer’s report. The balance in the town account is $750. The balance in the savings account is $18,405 and one cent. That comes after paying Elise Lawson $1,000 for her consulting work.
Ms. Lyons told the commission that a Plymouth State University student is interested in placing recording devices at several wetlands in Bethlehem to collect frog croaks – ideally in the hope of finding the cherished Northern Leopard Frog. Commission members agreed it’s a worthy project. Funds are coming from Plymouth State.
There was a discussion of publicity for the Adopt-A-Spot, roadside clean-up project. The news release was tweaked. Betsey Phillips agreed to handle the emails and publicity. Mr. Jensen said he would use the news release in the “Our Town News: Bethlehem NH” Facebook group as well as its emailed version. Mr. Jensen said he would also handle the requests and road assignments.
Natural Resources Inventory
There was a discussion about where Elise Lawson should focus her research for the updated Natural Resources Inventory. Commission members it would be helpful to have more detailed information on the locations before making any decisions. Ms. Lyons offered to contact Ms. Lawson.
Lunch Money
There was a discussion on paying for lunches for Bethlehem Elementary School students attending the Intergenerational Climate Change Conversation at Plymouth State University on April 17th. Mr. Ash made a motion for the commission to fund up to $450 for student lunches – if PSU is unable to handle it. Ms. Phillips seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Ms. Lyons said she would be in touch with the school.
Ms. Winterhoff said that unfortunately the demands of a new job mean it’s not possible for her to continue as a member. However, she might be able to serve as an alternate. She said her next meeting will be the last and someone will have to take over her duties. Commission members indicated they understand her decision, but regret her leaving because she has been such a valued and hard-working member.
Ms. Jensen said the commission needs to meet and decide how all the BCC chores – including those handled by Ms. Winterhoff – will be handled.
Next Meeting
April 24th at 5:30 in the library.
At 6:42 Ms. Winterhoff made a motion to adjourn. It was seconded by Ms. Jensen.