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03/24/2021 PB Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574


Planning Board

March 24, 2021



6 p.m.


Town Hall: Chris McGrath, Anthony Rodrigues, Mike Bruno, Kevin Roy, and Kim Koprowski,

Alternates: Peter Roy and Anthony Rodrigues

Remote: Chris Jensen, Peter Roy, Marie Stevenson, and Johnathan Stevenson


Chair Stevenson opened the meeting at 6:00


Pledge of Allegiance

Open Lot Line Adjustment for John Sparks

Checklist was complete.  Mr. McGrath motion.  Kim Koprowski second. 7-0 passed.

Mr. Robinson and Mr. Sparks are neighbors.  Mr. Sparks is giving his neighbor with a lot line adjustment 2.20 acres added to Mr. Robinsons 1.43 acres to become 3.63.  Mr. Sparks new area will become 5.8 acres.

Mr. McGrath motion to accept the Sparks/Robinson LLA.  Kevin Roy second.  7-0 passed.

Closed LLA for Sparks/Robinson

Open LLA for Profile School Solar project

Kim Koprowski recuses herself from Profile School LLA due to her school board obligations. Mr. Rodrigues was asked to become a board member for this LLA.

Abutter list is complete.  Checklist was complete, except types of soil need to be added to the Mylar.  Mr. Bruno motion to approve the checklist for Profile School Solar project with an addition to the checklist for: types of soil. 7-0 passed.

Mr. Glitch from Barrington Power explained that map and lot 402-25 – 17.91 acres will now become23.64 acres.  Map and lot 402-26 – 39.77 acres to become 34.04 acres.

Mr. Bruno motion to approve LLA for Profile School and Barrington Power. Mr. McGrath second 7-0 passed.

Closed Profile Solar project LLA

Open Rek’lis kitchen renovation conceptual for updated plans.

Marlaina Dowling explained to the board their plan for renovating the current kitchen.  It is just too small to accommodate their business.  They would like to bump out the kitchen to the front/side of the building.  Where there are currently a few tables on the ground. Add a deck that connects to the existing deck/front porch.

Mr. McGrath motion to waive Site Plan Review for Rek’lis.  There was no second.  Motion failed.

Mr. Bruno explained that this is commercial space, and he would like Rek’lis’ to submit a Site Plan.  Mr. Dowling explained that time is of the essence.  The bank would like to know that the Planning Board approves of the new addition.  Mr. Jensen asked if the board could give a nonformal approval to the bank.  The board agreed it was a good project they just want to see a complete Site Plan of the kitchen renovation and proposed deck. Marlaina Dowling said that they would contact the Surveyor Tom Smith for plans.  She said that she should have the plans and the application to the office by next Friday. ( April 2, 2021) Once the complete application is received a new date can be set for the Site Plan.

No further comments.

Minutes from March 10, 2021

Mr. McGrath motion to approve.  Mr. Bruno second 7-0 passed

Board Business

Mr. McGrath informed the board that he would be attending his last Planning Board meeting as a board member April 7th, 2021.  He read from a letter he wrote to the board. Letter will be attached to the written minutes.

The board discussed hiring an outside professional planner to help with the ADAIR project.  Deb Bayley will check with legal for the proper procedure.  This will be added to the next meeting on March 31, 2021 AGENDA.

Marie Stevenson motion to adjourn. Mr. McGrath second 7-0

Mr. McGrath second 7-0 passed.


Next meeting March 31, 2021



Respectfully submitted.

Deb Bayley P/Z Clerk