03/24/2022 CC Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Bethlehem Conservation Commission
March 24, 2022
Present: Margaret Gale, Cheryl Jensen, Nicole McGrath, Lindsay Webb, Liaison Veronica Morris, Vivian Winterhoff
Absent: Alternate Marilyn Johnson
Guest: None
Lindsay called the meeting to order at 6:06 pm.
Public Comment:
There was no public comment.
Litter-Free Campaign:
Cheryl gave a legislative update, only two (HB 1122 and HB 1406) of the five House bills that the BCC supported made it out of committees and were passed in the NH House. HB 1122, which would allow municipalities to collect and sell construction and demolition debris, had a hearing in a Senate committee. DES said towns can already do this but few do because of onsite safety issues and concerns about hazardous waste (asbestos and lead). There were other concerns and the NHMA said it would work with sponsors. HB 1406, the food waste/compost bill has been assigned to the Senate Election Law and Municipal Affairs committee but a hearing has not yet been scheduled.
Adopt a spot program:
Lindsay worked on using google maps for creating sections of roads that people can adopt. The BCC would create an online list and be able to show if the road has already been adopted. This would also allow us to block off sections we do not want people to adopt for safety or other reasons. The BCC can create a google form that would allow individuals to sign up and provide all their contact information, sign any liability waivers, disclaimers and receive safety information. Veronica is working on condensing the information and working on the legal language for the sign up form. There was discussion on where the information should be housed? Can we create another page on the town website for the adopt a spot program? Or create a Litter Free Page that could include the adopt a spot program, roadside clean up, trash schedule, TSC newsletters, the recycle right campaign, transfer station information, textile recycling, etc.
2022 Roadside Clean-up:
The Roadside Clean-up will be Saturday May 14th. The BCC reviewed the updated flier and made some minor edits. The to do list was reviewed and duties assigned and updated the list to remove items that were no longer relevant.
The BCC reviewed the minutes of February 24, 2022 and made some minor corrections. Made in the Litter Free Campaign paragraph:. Ott should be ought, and committed should be committee. Cheryl motioned to accept the minutes with the changes, Margaret seconded, motion passed. 5-0
Treasurer’s Report:
Margaret gave the treasurer’s report. Town account has $78.50 remaining, Savings account has $16,075.48 . The t-shirts will be reimbursed from the savings account and the town account will be credited the $941.50.
Discussion on the letter from DES about a possible alteration of terrain violation on Arrowhead Drive and a request for more information.
Saving Special Places Conference:
There are funds available if a commission member would like to attend the savings special places conference.
Wetlands Permit – Adair
The BCC reviewed the Adair wetlands permits. There are concerns about the wood turtle, it is listed as a species of concern and they have been seen in that location. The application is being reviewed by the FIsh and Game Biologist because of possible threatened and endangered species. Discussion on if we should hire Elise Lawson to help review this application and provide comment on the application. Margaret motioned that we contact NH DES and reserve the right to comment on wetlands application # 2022-00592, Cheryl seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Town Forest:
Primex denied the proposed Liability Form. Veronica will contact them to see if they recommend something else instead. The library has a policy and a reservation form that we may be able to use as a template. Veronica looked at Gilmanton policies for using some of their outdoor spaces. Things to think about when creating the policy: Are there any uses that we want to prohibit? The Town Forest Management Plan identifies the uses of the town forest and what we want to prohibit. More research will need to be done and this item will be revisited at future meetings
Cheryl motioned to adjourn at 8:12pm, Margaret seconded, motion passed 5-0.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Nicole McGrath
Next Meetings: 6pm (Library)
April 28
May 26
June 23