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03/26/2024 TSC Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574

Transfer Station Committee

March 26, 2024

Bethlehem Public Library

6 p.m.


Attendees: Nancy Strand, Julie Seely, Barry Zitser and Chris Jensen

Minutes by Chris Jensen


  • Nancy Strand provided up an update on grants. That included the town having submitted requests for Congressionally Directed Spending to Rep. Kuster as well as Sen. Shaheen. The request for a Residential Drop-off Recycling Grant was also submitted to The Recycling Partnership. Mr. Zitser was complimented on his extraordinary (27-page) effort researching and writing that application.


  • There was a brief discussion about the grants from The Mascoma Foundation and U.S.D.A. It was agreed that it would be best, strategically to apply for Mascoma later this year and U.S.D.A. in December. The reason for delaying the U.S.D.A. grant was that officials informed the town that due to limited funding the most Bethlehem could expect would be about $50,000 – and if that was granted the town could not apply again.


  • Strand provided information on possible grants for recycling motor oil and a kind of swap-shop for furniture to keep it out of the landfill.


  • Zitser confirmed his plans on March 27th to attend a seminar in Lancaster on construction debris. Mr. Jensen said he would attend composting seminars in Concord on April 16 and 17.


  • There was a discussion about the need for a work session to focus on a more basic, bare-bones transfer station should the desired funding not be available.


  • There was a discussion about ways to encourage and make recycling easier for residents of the apartment complexes owned by Lahout’s and AHEAD. It was decided it would be more appropriate to have that handled by The Sustainability Committee.


  • Strand raised the issue of a survey to see how the composting pilot program funded with A.R.P.A funds worked. It was agreed that would be a good idea and Ms. Strand said she would move ahead with it. Mr. Zitser made a motion to approve the survey. It was seconded by Mr. Jensen and unanimously approved.


  • It was agreed that the next issue of “Just Be Greener” would deal with some of the specific issues with recycling, including “wishcycling.”


  • The minutes of Feb. 6th were approved after a motion by Ms. Strand and a second by Mr. Jensen.


  • It was agreed that the next meeting would be April 30 at 6 p.m. at the library. That meeting will be a work session to focus on what the transfer station should offer if the desired funding is not available.


  • Zitser made a motion to adjourn. It was seconded by Mr. Jensen and unanimously approved. The meeting ended at 6:50 p.m.