03/31/2021 PB Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Planning Board
March 31, 2021
6 p.m.
Town Hall: Chris McGrath, Anthony Rodrigues, Mike Bruno, Kevin Roy, and Kim Koprowski and Marie Stevenson
Alternates: Peter Roy and Anthony Rodrigues
Remote: Chris Jensen, and Peter Roy
Excused absence: Johnathan Stevenson
Vice Chair Bruno opened the meeting at 6:00. He then appointed Peter Roy as a voting board member for the evening.
Pledge of Allegiance
Open Lot Line Adjustment John Powers – Point of View Lot line adjustment. Gilmanton Road.
Checklist was complete. McGrath motion to accept checklist as complete. Marie Stevenson second 7-0 passed
Gardner Kellogg explained the application.
Abutter Mr. Simo asked about future developments. Mr. Bruno explained that the board is only here for the lot line adjustment.
McGrath motion to approve the lot line as complete Marie Stevenson second 7-0 passed
Closed Powers lot line.
Girdwood/Heartland lot line/minor sub
Mr. McGrath recused himself due to him being an abutter. Checklist was complete.
Kim Koprowski motion to accept the checklist as complete. Kevin Roy second 6-0 passed
No questions
Kevin Roy motion to accept Lot line adjustment for Girdwood/Heartland. Marie Stevenson second 6-0 passed
Closed Girdwood lot line
Mr. McGrath is back on the board.
Open Presidential Mountain Site Plan for cabins.
Checklist was complete.
Mr. Bruno motion to accept the checklist as complete. Mr. McGrath second. 7-0 passed.
Mr. Eckman the engineer on the project presented the Site Plan to the board. 12 Amish built cabins on the Northerly side. Map 201-27. He explained that there will be one more fire hydrant on the property. Lighting will be on each cabin. He took into consideration what the Planning Board recommended for a buffer for the neighbor. The project is less of a footprint than the previous cabin structures. They will install a hammerhead turnaround for emergency equipment. The trash will be in one central location, on the pond side of the street. They have applications in with DOT concerning slowing down the traffic and a possible yellow light with a crosswalk. These permits are all pending. Mr. McGrath asked about the water coming from the Village District. Mr. Eckman said that they approved the water when it was going to be the Hilton. He does not see any reason for not being able to hook up to town water. There will be a gravity feed septic installed from Enviro Septic 70’x40’. Margaret Gale asked who the wetland scientist was. Robert Stewart RCS Design Bradford NH.
Mr. Bruno motion to accept the Site Plan for Presidential Mountain Amish built cabins. Marie Stevenson second. 7-0 passed.
Closed Presidential Mountain SPR.
Minutes: Mr. McGrath motion to approve minutes from March 24, 2021. Kim Koprowski second 7-0 passed.
Board business:
Mr. Bruno met with the owners of Rek’lis concerning their request to be waived from Site Plan review for their kitchen renovation and deck. Mr. Stevenson and Mr. Bruno reconsidered their waiver request that was denied at the March 24th, 2021 hearing. After consulting with New Hampshire Municipal Association, it became clearer that the kitchen did not need a Site Plan and it could be waived. The bump out for the kitchen is 158 feet, this will bring kitchen area to 352 square feet. Kevin Roy asked about the percentage of ground coverage. It will be added to the plans for the Site Plan on the deck for the April 21st hearing. Mr. Jensen asked it the board should consult Tara Bamford professional planner. There was no response.
Mr. Bruno motion to waive Site Plan for an 8×18 foot bump out for the Rek’lis Kitchen. Peter Roy second 5-2 passed. Marie Stevenson abstained, and Mr. Jensen answered No.
The board discussed hiring a professional planner as a resource for the ADAIR housing project.
Mr. Bruno motion to contract Tara Bamford for the ADAIR PROJECT. Mr. Jensen second 6-1 passed Mr. McGrath – no.
Motion to adjourn Marie Stevenson, Peter Roy second 7-0 adjourned
Respectfully submitted.
Deb Bayley – p/z clerk