04/01/2023 TSC Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
April 1, 2023 Transfer Station Committee Minutes
Present were Nancy, Margaret, Chris, Barry, Andrea
Meeting started at 12:07
Chris brought up the issue of the traffic flow shown on Aries’ design, and suggested that as the plan progresses we could change it if desirable. There was a discussion that the elevations of the building versus the traffic flow were not clear.
Barry, Chris, and Nancy indicated that they were not clear about the USDA’s responses to the Committee’s questions concerning the timing and reimbursability of a phased-in project for application purposes. The consensus appears to be that we should keep the costs at a reasonable level for Phase 1, but with a good site preparation and a good building and recycling footprint.
Chris stated that while the transfer station needs an office, a porta potty, as opposed to a septic system, should be pursued for Phase 1. He also suggested that Phase 1 should include a compactor truck, and perhaps a building to bring and store the recyclables.
Nancy noted that in a conversation with Brett, he indicated that perhaps people could leave some of their solid waste at the Town garage which could then be transported to Route 116. Nancy stated that some people have complained to her about the distance of going to the proposed Route 116 site.
Chris noted that under the worst case scenario, if we don’t get the Aries cost information prior to the Monday Select Board meeting, the Select Board could schedule a special meeting later in the week.
It was suggested that we should ask Mary to make arrangements for Aries to be available by phone for the April 3rd Select Board meeting if we have the Aries information by Monday to answer some questions. Chris also suggested that we could schedule another Committee meeting for Tuesday night, April 4th.
Barry handed out a list of application documents that should be scanned for submission of the application, and there was a discussion on which have been prepared.
The Committee approved the minutes of the March 7, 2023 meeting, with Andrea abstaining because she was not at meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 1:27 PM.