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04/01/2024 BC Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574

Bethlehem Cares

Monday, April 1, 2024

3:00 pm

Members Present:  Chris Jensen, April Hibberd, Carol Haywood, Dawn Ferringo, Erin Talcot, Tina Lister


Minutes of January 9, 2024, were approved.

A very generous donation of $10,000 was made by OAKS to Bethlehem Cares and was accepted on March 26 along with some delicious donuts.

A motion was made by TL to ask Kay Kerr to join Bethlehem Cares filling the position vacated by Ruth Heinz.  Seconded by CJ. Motion passed unanimously.

AH motioned to go into non-public session.  CJ seconded.

#28 M&RV Couple have reached credit limits in many areas and had a sick pet with expensive vet bills. Looking for assistance somewhere. After discussion, CJ made a motion to give them $1000 toward their food bill. Seconded by Carol Haywood. Motion passed.

#29 JW Looking for assistance to purchase safety equipment for his e-bike. Discussion ensued. Based on estimate he provided, it was felt that the committee would have a better idea of the amount needed if he sent a list with specific items requested. AH made a motion to provide assistance at a max of $500 once we have received a precise amount. CH seconded the motion. Motion passed.

CJ motioned to come out of nonpublic.  AH seconded.

Meeting adjourned 3:40 pm.