04/03/2023 SB Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Bethlehem Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
April 3, 2023
In person –Chairperson Morris, Select person Hibberd, Select person Strand, Select person Caplain, and Select person Bruno.
Public Input– Chris McGrath asked the board to consider advertising options for town property specifically the pool, ball fields, and non-driving areas. David Van Houten- asked when the board would be implementing the new fire station committee and agreed to be on the committee.
Jared Sullivan– updated the board on his experience as a State Representative including the Commerce and Consumer Affair committee work. Representative Sullivan will be sponsoring two legislative bills in the upcoming session regarding unemployment and Canon employee wages. Select person Caplain suggested writing a letter in support of environmental protection initiatives and it was decided to further discuss at a future meeting. Chairperson Morris mentioned funding in Vermont to rehabilitate residential buildings to increase housing as a revolving loan fund suggesting New Hampshire should consider a similar program.
Transfer Station Committee– Chairperson Morris introduce Chris Jensen and the transfer Station Committee to discuss the USDA grant opportunity and the committee’s recommendation for a new transfer station slated for 2026. Mr. Jensen explained the committees work with Aries engineering to draft an affordable transfer station that will meet the needs of Bethlehem. The recommended location is the one previously used off highway 116. Mr. Jensen explained the process for the grant would include a public hearing to explain the project to the residents of Bethlehem and a vote at the town meeting. It was decided to postpone the details of the committee’s recommendation and report until April 10th to allow for a final recommendation before submitting the grant by the April 14th deadline.
Meeting schedule and criteria for requesting a meeting- Chairperson Morris opened discussion regarding the board meetings. It was decided Monday would be the preferred day if an additional meeting is required, to be consistent for residents, and a quorum of the board. Future meetings: 4/17, 5/1, 5/15, 5/22, 6/5, and June 19th.
Town Auction- Chairperson Morris opened discussion on the town auction and using NH Tax Deed and Property Auctions, LLC to represent Bethlehem. Wes Sager, from NH Tax Deed and Property Auctions was available for questions.
Select person Caplain made a motion to move forward with NH Tax Deed and Property to represent Bethlehem for a town auction. Select person Hibberd seconded and all were in favor.
Select Board Procedures- Chairperson Morris opened discussion on Select person Procedures. It was decided to strike the first sentence from section 6. Select person Hibberd recommended authorizing the Town Administrator to contact legal notifying the liaisons of the purpose. It was decided to make the discussed changes and continue discussion on April 17th.
Addiction Committee- It was decided Selectperson Caplain would contact the volunteers of the Addiction Committee to see if members are still interested in participating.
Minutes –3/6/2023, 3/13/2023, 3/20/2023, and 3/27/2023
Chairperson Morris made a motion to approve the minutes from 3/6/2023. Select person Hibberd seconded motion passed 4-0. Select person Caplain abstained.
Chairperson Morris made a motion to approve the minutes from 3/13/2023. Select person Caplain seconded motion passed 5-0.
Chairperson Morris made a motion to approve the minutes from 3/20/2023. Select person Strand seconded motion passed 5-0.
Chairperson Morris made a motion to approve the minutes from 3/27/2023. Select person Hibberd seconded motion passed 4-0. Select person Caplain abstained.
Other- Chairperson Morris stated the town received a letter from Grafton Country regarding $50,000 that could be applied for in additional ARPA funding and it would be on the agenda for 4/17.
Non-public Session per RSA 91A-3 II (personnel, reputation, and legal) Non-public Session per RSA 91A-3 II (personnel, reputation, and legal) Chairperson Morris made a motion to go into non-public per RSA-91A-3 for reasons of personnel. Select person Strand seconded and roll call followed.
The board discussed the job description of an employee and a legal update.
Select person Caplain made a motion to adjourn at 9:00 pm Select person Hibberd seconded, and all were in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Moritz
Town Administrator