04/03/2023 TSC Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
April 4, 2023 Transfer Station Committee Minutes
Present were Nancy, Margaret, Chris, Barry, Andrea, and Katherine
Meeting started at 6:19 PM
Chris filled in the Committee on last night’s Select Board meeting. They want to devote the entire April 10th meeting to the USDA grant, but did not want to meet this Thursday or Friday.
We started with the new numbers provided by Aries. Barry noted a small addition error of about $6,000 which he brought to Mary’s attention to notify Aries. There was a discussion about the electrical expense still being too high. However, costs often change between application and construction, and if one aspect is too high, another will be too low.
The consensus is to accept Aries’ figures, subject to a minor refinement by Aries if they have some new estimate. Barry made a motion to accept Aries’ cost estimates for presentation to the Select Board, subject to some minor refinements if made by Aries. The motion was seconded and unanimously adopted.
Chris suggested that George Holt be told it would be helpful for him to be present at the April 10th meeting in case the Select Board has any questions.
The Committee designated items to send to the Select Board prior to the April 10th meeting, including Aries’ conceptual designs and cost estimate, the draft Narrative and Financial Feasibility Report, the Aries Environmental Report, the Environmental Report Supplement prepared by the Committee, the proposed financing plan, and the proposed operating budget.
Most of the working session was devoted to refining the wording in the Narrative.
Meeting adjourned at 8:06 PM.