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04/15/2021 BC Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574

Bethlehem Cares Committee Work


Present: Chris Jensen, April Hibberd, Tina Lister, Erin Talcott, Alison Caruso, Carol Johnson-Haywood, Christine Kelly

Next meeting: May 13 9:30

Public Meeting Discussion Points:

Status of donations was reviewed. Donor letters will be going out today.

Thank-you letters to donors will be handwritten and rotated through committee members on a monthly basis. Christine will write up a draft from which we will base the letters upon. We will include a business card within each letter. (Alison is expecting the business cards this week.)

Alison suggested we have a central data base to track donors, donations, and thank you letter responses (and any additional information deemed important to track.) Alison will put together a spreadsheet to maintain this information.

It was agreed to start numbering applications to ensure confidentiality.

Some applicant meetings will not necessarily have to be face-to-face. Phone conversations with multiple participants can work. Configurations of meetings will be determined as specific conversation needs are decided upon.

Actions to be taken:

  • Christine will look into the Paypal set-up to see if donors can opt to remain anonymous.
  • Christine will write a draft thank-you letter to use as a base for handwritten letters.



Three applications were reviewed.

#1 Voted to provide $800 for an immediate need. (April will notify.)

#2 It was agreed that further information and exploration is needed. (April will look into.)

#3 Denied at this time. (Chris will notify.)


A quorum of the committee was present to vote on decisions.