04/17/2023 SB Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Bethlehem Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
April 17, 2023
In person –Chairman Morris, Select person Strand, and Selectman Bruno.
Remote- Selectman Caplain
Public Input- David Van Houten stated he would be on the agenda for the May 1st select board meeting regarding the Energy Commissions discussion with Revision Energy and EV charging station.
Stella’s Dogs- Lynn Swirzewski requested utilizing town property next to the visitors center for her hot dog cart as was approved by the select board in 2022. Chairman Morris noted DOT may object to the location being on 302, a state highway, however the town does not have issue if the cart is completely off the sidewalk. It was also recommended that food vendors continue to seek locations other than town property.
Chairman Morris made a motion to continue to allow Lynn Swirzewski to locate Stella’s Dogs at the Heritage Societies lawn. Selectman Bruno seconded and all were in favor.
Pool Rates 2023 Season- Chairman Morris explained the rec director is recommending a rate increase from $4 to $5 for open swim for other towns utilizing the pool and remaining free for residents of Bethlehem.
Selectman Bruno made a motion to accept the rec director’s recommendation of increasing the pool rate to $5 for out-of-town camps and remain free for residents. Select person Strand seconded.
Barry Zitser asked if not only residents receive the benefit but to also include property owners.
Select person Strand withdrew her second and Selectman Bruno amended his motion to accept the rec director’s recommendation of increasing the pool rate to $5 for out-of-town camps and remain free for residents and property owners of Bethlehem. Select person Strand seconded and all were in favor.
Minutes 4/3 and 4/10- Selectman Bruno made a motion to accept the minutes from 4/3 and 4/10. Chairman Morris seconded and all were in favor.
Pam Sullivan- Winter marketing results Chairman Morris introduced Pam Sullivan who updated the board on the winter marketing program. Select person Strand noted that Sullivan Creative has done a great job regarding the tourism piece and would appreciate the residence experience on the website to be equally as great. The board thanked Sullivan Creative.
Select Board Newsletter- update on paid services- Chairman Morris shared Select person Strand’s research on paid marketing services for the select board newsletter. It was recommended to seek Sullivan Creative’s input on which service they prefer.
ARPA/Grafton County- Chairman Morris opened discussion on the additional $50,000 that has become available from Grafton County ARPA funds. David Van Houten recommended using the funds for the Village Departments upcoming solar project.
Selectman Caplain made a motion to use the additional funds to offset the Village Departments solar project.
Selectman Bruno suggested considering a project that would benefit the entire town and Select person Strand agreed.
Selectman Bruno made a motion to use the additional funds that became available from Grafton County towards the cost of the new fire truck. Select person Strand seconded carried 3-1 Selectman Caplain opposed.
Discussion was postponed on Select Board Procedures and Select Board Goals until a future meeting.
Rec Vehicle Policy- Chairman Morris opened discussion on a vehicle policy for the rec director. Selectman Bruno explained that White Mountain Reginal High School requires teachers transporting students to take an eight-hour driving safety course and recommended communicating with WW Barry’s and Troop G for training options. Chris Jensen stated his concern about having inexperienced drivers transport the rec department campers. The board discussed adding distance restrictions and specific location permission slips to ensure communication with parents and it was decided to research driving training options for the rec director.
Non-public Session per RSA 91A-3 II (personnel, reputation, and legal) Chairperson Morris made a motion to go into non-public per RSA-91A-3 for reasons of reputation. Select person Strand seconded and roll call followed.
Mary Jackson, Tax Collector, updated the board on the property tax deeding.
Selectman Bruno made a motion to adjourn at 9:15. Select person Strand seconded and all were in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Moritz
Town Administrator