05/13/2024 SB Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Bethlehem Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
May 13th, 2024
In person –Chairman Bruno, Select Woman Strand, Selectman Morris, Selectman Caplain and Select Woman Hibberd.
Chairman Bruno opened the meeting at 5:30.
Chairman Bruno motioned to go into nonpublic per RSA 91A-3 II for reasons of reputation. Selectman Morris seconded and roll call followed.
Select Woman Hibberd motioned to abate 2023 taxes on Rambling Woods unit 20 and 28. Selectman Caplain seconded, and all were in favor.
Chairman Bruno motioned to public Selectman Morris seconded and all were in favor.
Chairman Bruno opened the meeting at 6:00.
Public Input- Dick Robbie stated the basketball court requires maintenance. Chris Ruccio, 53 Katja Lane, explained to the board that he had lost access to water from the Village District after 10 years and he was seeking help from the town. Chairman Bruno explained the Village District is a separate entity from the town and other than contacting the Village about the situation there isn’t anything the town can do. Mr. Ruccio explained that the fire department is willing to deliver water temporarily, however he is concerned about the safety of the water. Selectman Caplain told the board he would contact the Village. Dick Robbie, Village Commissioner, stated he was representing himself and not the Village however he would investigate the situation. Selectman Morris asked if other properties could be at risk in a similar situation as Mr. Ruccio.
Junk Yard Letters- Chairman Bruno updated the board that the Code Officer sent 6 letters to properties notifying them they are in violation of our ordinances because they are operating a junk yard. Two of the six properties contacted the town and are working on cleaning up their properties. The board agreed to send the four remaining properties the violation letter from the select board. Chairman Bruno also updated the board that a Final Default has been filed on one of the two properties that the town is seeking legal action against.
Capital Improvement- nominate Vickie Francis and Martie Cook- The board discussed that Vickie Francis is eligible to volunteer on a committee as a town employee.
Select Woman Hibberd motioned to accept Vickie Francis on the Capital Improvement Committee. Select Woman Strand seconded, and all were in favor.
NCC-EV Chargers- The board agreed to send North Country Counsel confirmation that the town would be interested in a grant opportunity for an EV charger.
Minutes 4/29/2024- Select Woman Strand motioned to accept the minutes from 4/29/2024 as written. Selectman Morris seconded and all were in favor. Selectman Caplain abstained.
Updates and other business- Selectman Caplain updated the board Eversource quoted $10,000 to perform the electrical work necessary to add an EV charging station at one of the municipal locations. Selectman Caplain continued that the Energy Commission was awarded 2024 Community Energy Champion of the year. Select Woman Strand updated the board that the Transfer Station Committee is interested in working with Aries Engineering to consider ways of reducing the cost of the original site plan for the new transfer station. The board agreed.
Select Woman Hibberd motioned to approve the Transfer Station Committee to work with Aries Engineering. Selectman Morris seconded and all were in favor.
Select Woman Strand updated the board that she had attended the Local Officials NHMA class which was beneficial. Select Woman Strand believes the town should investigate employee resignation policy, roles of liaison, BOS rules of procedure, nonpublic checklist, and adopting a sealed minutes policy. Chairman Bruno updated the board that the recent Historical Society meeting featured the upcoming 250th Anniversary celebration. Select Woman Hibberd updated the board on the recent Community Power meeting. Selectman Morris updated the board that the recent Planning Board meeting reviewed the Eversource request to waive the height restriction for the pole upgrade project. The Planning Board will be having a public hearing on May 22nd to discuss further.
Non-public Session per RSA 91A-3 II (personnel, reputation, and legal) Chairman Bruno motioned to go into nonpublic per RSA 91A-3 II for reasons of legal and personnel. Selectman Morris seconded and roll call followed.
The board discussed legal and a personnel issue.
Chairman Bruno made a motion to adjourn at 8:00. Selectman Strand seconded, and all were in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Moritz
Town Administrator