05/15/2023 SB Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Bethlehem Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
May 15th, 2023
In person –Chairman Morris, Select person Strand, Select person Hibberd, and Selectman Bruno.
Remote- Selectman Caplain
Chairman Morris opened the meeting at 6:00.
Minutes 5/1– Chairman Morris made a motion to approve the May 1st Minutes. Select person Strand seconded and all were in favor.
Little Free Library- The select board discussed the Little Free Library that was proposed by Joanna Boisseau.
Selectman Bruno made a motion to approve the installation of the Little Free Library located by the visitor’s center. Select person Hibberd seconded and all were in favor.
Pool Drain-The select board discussed the $95,000 cost of the proposed drain repair. It was decided to continue the discussion on 5/22 once the estimate is finalized and we have more information regarding the intended repair work.
Transfer Station Funding and confirming Public Hearing Date- Select person Strand asked the board if the Transfer Station Committee could hold the first public hearing on the new transfer station project on June 5th to meet the requirement of the USDA grant. Select person Strand stated the committee would be having a door prize to gain public interest and she estimated the presentation to take between 30 and 45 minutes. Chairman Morris suggested starting the select board meeting at 5:30 to ensure board business would be able to be conducted and starting the public hearing at 6:30.
New Fire/Police Station Committee- Selectman Bruno updated the board on the new fire/police station committee. Selectman Bruno named the members of the committee: Dave Wiley, Ayla Queiroga, Selectman Caplain, Police Chief DeMoranville, Fire Chief Anderson and himself. Discussion of the committee meeting included the location and size of the new facility and touring other recently constructed fire and police stations.
Rec Drivers Training update- Chairman Morris updated the board that the rec director and her assistant would be completing the training program that Selectman Bruno recommended this week.
Board Goals- The board discussed the Board Goals document that Select person Strand compiled from the list of on going follow up items and the Master plan. Discussion will continue during the May 22nd meeting.
Police Department Bike Donation-Chairman Morris opened discussion on the Police bike donation from Tri Town Bicycles. The board postponed accepting the donation until we received additional information regarding the officers receiving cycling training and contacting Primex regarding any additional insurance that may be needed.
Non-public Session per RSA 91A-3 II (personnel, reputation, and legal) Chairperson Morris made a motion to go into non-public per RSA-91A-3 for reasons of reputation. Select person Strand seconded and roll call followed.
Chairman Morris made a motion to hire Jacob Brown for the Fire department. Select person Hibberd seconded and all were in favor.
Chairman Morris made a motion to adjourn at 8:45. Select person Strand seconded and all were in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Moritz
Town Administrator