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05/20/2024 SB Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574

Bethlehem Board of Selectmen

Meeting Minutes

May 20th, 2024

In person –Chairman Bruno, Select Woman Strand, and Selectman Morris. Select Woman Hibberd attended remotely.

Public Input- Chris McGrath suggested the select board visit properties receiving Junk Yard Letter before sending a second warning.

Rambling Woods Demolition grant from NH Community Loan Fund- Rambling Woods would be submitting a grant application to NH Community Loan Fund to remove 3 derelict trailers.  Alan Blake, NH Community Loan fund representative, explained the Invest New Hampshire grant could only be applied through a municipality and there would be no cost to the town and minimal administrative work.  Selectman Morris asked for confirmation that the town would not be responsible to conduct a single source audit.  Chris Jensen asked if the town would be liable if any one was hurt during the demolition and Mr. Blake replied that everyone is required to have insurance and although he couldn’t guarantee the town would be exempt from a lawsuit, he did not foresee a liability.  The board is seeking clarification if the town is required to comply with uniform guidance procurement policy.

Selectman Morris motioned to approve the submission of a grant from NH Community Load Fund on behalf of Rambling Woods.  Select Woman Strand seconded, and all were in favor.

STR Committee-The board discussed the STR committee.  Selectman Morris will represent the select board.  Martie Cook will represent the planning board.  Don Hilliard will represent someone in the industry.  Donna Willey will represent the owner-occupied STR.  Barbie Dickinson will represent a STR owner who does not live on property and Angie Clevland will represent the residents impacted by STR.  The board is looking for an additional resident who is impacted by STR to partcipate.

Easton/Sugar Hill NHSEC Letter- The board discussed sending a letter to the SEC asking them to oversee the Eversource tower project along with Easton and Sugar Hill.  Chairman Bruno noted the Conservation Commission sent a letter to NHDES regarding their concern of the potential wetland disturbances, and Planning board is having a public hearing over the height restriction, but the only way to evaluate the project is requesting the SEC assume jurisdiction of the project. Chris Jensen agreed with boards decision to send the letter requesting the SEC oversight on the Eversource tower project.

Select Woman Strand motioned to sign the petition to the SEC to assumer jurisdiction of the Eversource X 178 transmission project.  Selectman Morris seconded and all were in favor.

Rec Employee Discount- The board discussed offering rec employees a discount when they were in direct supervision of their child.

Select Woman Strand motioned to offer a 50% discount on tuition for rec employees who have a child that they directly supervise.  Selectman Morris seconded and all were in favor.

EDA grant application for the Transfer Station- The board discussed an opportunity for the town to submit a grant to the Economic Development Admiration for the transfer station.

Select Woman Strand motioned to submit a grant to the EDA for the transfer station.  Selectman Morris seconded and all were in favor. 

Minutes 5/13/2024- Selectman Morris motioned to approve the minutes from May 13th as amended.  Select Woman Strand seconded, and all were in favor.

Updates and other business- Chairman Bruno updated the board that there were two abatements in the amount of $22.

Selectman Morris motioned to approve the abatements for 415-112 and 207 001 in the amount of $22.  Select Woman Strand seconded, and all were in favor. 

Chairman Bruno noted the recent social media post regarding the Highway Department and explained that Highway Department has the full support of the select board.  Select Woman Strand expressed her disappointment in the misinformation that was posted agreed with Chairman Bruno.  Select Woman Strand updated the board on HB 1124 that was referred to an interim study but also put on the consent calendar.

Non-public Session per RSA 91A-3 II (personnel, reputation, and legal) Chairman Bruno motioned to go into nonpublic per RSA 91A-3 II for reasons of personnel. Selectman Morris seconded and roll call followed.

Selectman Morris motioned to hire JB to the fire department.  Chairman Bruno seconded and all were in favor. 

Chairman Bruno made a motion to adjourn at 8:10. Selectman Strand seconded, and all were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Moritz

Town Administrator